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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-16 19:55:51



1 . tip 提示;技巧

2 . 通常;一般 usually

3 . content 内容

4 . forefather/ancestors 祖先

5 . interpretation 解释

6 . Using many symbols makes it possible to put a large amount of inFORMation on a single map

7 . Scientists do not know why dinosaurs became extinct, but some theories postulate that changers in geography, climate, and sea levels were responsible

8 . 对风暴动力学的研究是为了提高风暴预测从而减少损失,避免人员伤亡。

9 . strain 压力;过度劳累

10 . Thefancifulpandafanpanicsoverthespanofthepan-likepanel


1 . 有时候 sometimes

2 . 袜子 socks

3 . originality 独创性

4 . 秒 second

5 . anecdote 轶事

6 . 乌龟 turtle

7 . 这边 this way

8 . 某事 something

9 . 兴奋的 excited

10 . 咸的 salty


1 . deterioration 恶化

2 . 小建议 tip

3 . 英语书 English book

4 . 用 with

5 . 诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。

6 . The pigmentation of a pearl is influenced by the type of oyster in which it develops and by the depth, temperature, and the salt content of the water in which the oyster lives

7 . perseverance 坚定不移

8 . strategy 策略

9 . 为什么 why

10 . Elizabeth Blackwell, the first woman medical doctor in the United States, founded the New York Infirmary, an institution that has always had a completely female medical staff


1 . 和……一起 with

2 . Children with parents whose guidance is firm, consistent, and rational are inclined to possess high levels of self-confidence

3 . 等候 wait

4 . 疼的 sore

5 . Supposeyouwereexposedintheoppositepositionbyyouropponent

6 . digestion 消化吸收

7 . jealousy 妒忌

8 . 八 eight

9 . 星期三 Wednesday

10 . 穿 wear


1 . self-respect/self-esteem 自尊心

2 . recovery 恢复

3 . 擦窗户 wash ths windows

4 . infrastructure 基础设施

5 . 向右转 turn right

6 . Buyers and sellers should be aware of new developments in technology can and does affect marketing activities

7 . 浇花 water the flowers

8 . reliability 可心度

9 . 第二 second

10 . 酸的 sour


1 . 甚至 even

2 . 储户有意确信地介词放置在那个位置。

3 . 大多数物质遇冷收缩,所以他们的密度在固态时高于液态。

4 . 三 three

5 . 夏季 summer

6 . literacy 读写能力

7 . symptom 症状

8 . indication 迹象

9 . The wallflower is so called because its weak stems often grow on walls and along stony cliffs for support

10 . 随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。


1 . comfort 舒适

2 . 因为顾客认为最好的水果应该看起来也是最漂亮的,所以种植者必须提供能满足挑剔眼光的产品。

3 . 水獭啃倒树木,以便取食物并获得造窝的材料。

4 . Itsapitythatthespitboxinthepitwashitandsplit

5 . 体育运动 sports

6 . deprivation 剥夺

7 . 在楔形篱笆的边缘上,我向那位博识的人致谢。

8 . acqaintance 熟人

9 . 墙花之所以叫墙花,是因为其脆弱的枝干经常要靠墙壁或顺石崖生长,以便有所依附。

10 . commercialization 商业化


1 . It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one’s meaning

2 . 短裤 shorts

3 . (we的宾格)我们 us

4 . 步行 walk

5 . interference 干涉

6 . 对不起 excuse me

7 . 垃圾箱 trash bin

8 . 太阳镜 sunglasses

9 . 尝试;试一下 try

10 . 遗憾的是坑内的痰盂被打裂。


1 . 大学 university

2 . obligation 义务

3 . 牙齿(复数) tooth(teeth)

4 . license 执照

5 . precision n精确,精密度,精度

6 . vexation 烦恼

7 . 尾巴 tail

8 . 很;非常 so much

9 . Thethiefchiefachievedthetheftofahandkerchiefformischief

10 . diversity 多样化;多样性