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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-05-26 14:33:11



1 . Love understands love; it needs no talk

2 . 圣诞佳节是思念大家的时刻。

3 . 该国总统会向代表们展示他构想的国家未来发展的蓝图。

4 . Chritsmas time is for thinking of others

5 . 愿你的生日带给你无限快乐的一年,请接受我的生日祝福!

6 . My heart is with you forever

7 . 不要等拥有许多后,才开始分享一些。

8 . 展示在左边的垫子,长英寸宽英寸,价格是美元。

9 . 从来没有一个人像你这样爱我,谢谢你!

10 . 朋友请细心呵护,耐心调养,不要让岁月风干我们的灵魂,要让雨露把生活滋润的与鲜花一起怒放。祝生日快乐,万事如意!


1 . 你是那用一个眼神就可以点燃我心火的灵魂伴侣!

2 . Word can say so little when someone cares so much Mother, Im wishing that these were a way to tell you the things that Id so like to say &&How thankful I am and how very proud, too, to have a wonderful mother like you

3 . come up 走近;发芽;提出来; 出现(问题;建议);上楼

4 . 相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。

5 . 似此星辰非昨夜,为谁风露立中宵。黄景仁《绮怀诗二首其一》

6 . 通常,这样的展示是在大西洋另一边进行的。

7 . 最出色最聪明的学生们竞相展示他们的才智。

8 . 初恋是永生难忘的。

9 . Passionate love is a quenchless thirst

10 . 生日快乐!愿这特殊的日子里,你的每时每刻都充满欢乐。


1 . May each hour be happy one on this special day May the day ahead be more than happy, too, as all your dreams and plans work out just right for you

2 . greenbelt 绿地

3 . 她正倚靠在一个展示巴黎照片的陈列柜上。

4 . skyscraper 摩天大楼

5 . scaffolding 脚手架

6 . When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms 第一次听到你对我说"我爱你",我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。

7 . 自君之出矣,明镜暗不治。思君如流水,何有穷已时。徐干《室思》

8 . 多情自古伤离别。更那堪,冷落清秋节。柳永《雨霖铃》

9 . 他不必为了我作这么详细的展示!

10 . 唯将终夜长开眼,报答平生未展眉。元稹《遣悲怀三首其三》


1 . 爱很难投入,但一旦投入,便更难走出。

2 . Christmas greetings and best wishes!

3 . 相见争如不见,有情何似无情。司马光《西江月》

4 . New Year time is here I hope you have a wonderful New Year May every day hold happy hours for you新年来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

5 . 针纺织品展示区为商户提供了展示产品形象的平台。

6 . column 柱

7 . It seems that Christmas time is here once again, and it is time again to bringin the New Year We wish the merriest of Christmas to you and your lovedones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the year ahead

8 . 今天是你生日,我为你做了一碗长寿面,每根面条里都有一份快乐,最后浇上开心的汤汁放上幸福的煎蛋。愿你吃在嘴里,美在心里。生日快乐!

9 . Where the show really excites is in the display of avant-garde photography

10 . May the wonderful smell be around you, make your life full of happiness and happiness, always in the endless happy years! Happy birthday to you!