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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-21 09:18:22



1 . if i was brave oute is not different。

2 . 不是怕你丢弃,只是怕失去你。

3 . Love is friendship caught fire。 其实,爱是着了火的友谊。

4 . Somehow I will show you that you are my night sky

5 . A man falls in love with a person。一个人爱上一个人

6 . Who shuts love out,in turn shall be shut out from love

7 . tomorrow is another day 太阳依然升起,明天依旧灿烂。

8 . 就算是Lover 最后还是会 oveR,ヽ。

9 . It is who first about love /Finally is who go first

10 . just one last dance , before we say goodbey最后一曲,再说再见


1 . Love is not the strong vow but the simple accompany 爱情不是轰轰烈烈的誓言,而是平平淡淡的陪伴

2 . What matters is not what happens to you in life What really matters is how you react to it 一生中遇到什么并不重要,最重要的是你如何应对。

3 . 我试过完美放弃,的确很踏实。

4 . Nothing is as sweet as you 再没什么,能甜蜜如你。

5 . And forever has no end。永永远远,永无止境。

6 . The leaves fall in autumn, take not to go is summer injury。落叶飘零的秋天,带不走的是夏伤。

7 . And lonely again 与孤独重归于好

8 . Hold on to whatever keeps you warm inside留住让你内心温暖的一切

9 . Bad language than lie clean one thousand times 脏话比谎话干净一千倍

10 . ﹏媽咪说﹎MakeLove ①定偠帶套套否則會哊Baby zzОo


1 . Time has faded from the memory 时光,淡忘了回忆。

2 . Baby do not cry。 Tonight 。

3 . Love will tear us apart 是爱将我们分开

4 . i tried to perfect to give up, is indeed very practical。

5 . 梦想面前没有谁是winner 谁是 loser

6 . In fact, I always behind you, and sent you a back其实,我一直都在你身后,就差你一个回头。

7 . Eternity is not a distance but a decision

8 . love is not looking for a person to live with but find a life he had no。

9 . I have been sleeping all alone我一直孤独入眠。

10 . 苍白无力的述说,只是在狡辩而已。


1 . In the world, we have to change——世界在改变,我们也为其改变着

2 . 曾经那么疯狂如今这么迷惘 Once so crazy now so confused

3 . could be everything you need。 我可以变成你需要的任何东西。

4 . 很需要你,就像蒲公英需要微风。

5 . 没有做不成的梦 只有不早醒的人 Nothing is impossible dreams only people who do not wake up early

6 . I will learn to give you because I love you

7 . Forget me 忘了我

8 . Do not let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present别让过去的悲催,或者未来的忧虑,毁掉当下的快乐。

9 . pale words who can see this person&#;s bitter。

10 . At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet 每一个沐浴在爱河中的人都是诗人。


1 . when it has is lost, brave to give up。

2 . HāPpч Иatioйal Dáy其 实 伱 沒 有 那 么 嗳 祂 ,

3 . i would like now to seriously indifferent room of wonderful。简短相当唯美的英语句子。

4 . I pull against you, ah!

5 . Nobody could ever replace you从来没有人可以取代你。

6 . Make me sad makes me happy you are you 令我伤心令我快乐的都是你

7 . 我生来就是为了告诉你,我爱你。 I was born to tell you, I love you

8 . as long as you need me,I will still stay只要你需要我,我会一直在。

9 . 梦里的我们还是旧时的模样有着最美好的时光 Old dream we had the best time of appearance

10 . We talk too much,love too little and lie too often我们的话语太多,真爱太少,谎言太多。


1 . We do not have any choice, only run in opposite directions。我们没有任何选择的余地,只有背道而驰。

2 . No expectations, no disappointments 没有期望,就不会失望。

3 . You are my Achilles heel [ 你是我无法抗拒的弱点。]

4 . Whatever with the past has gone, the best is always yet to come无论过去发生什么,最好的尚未到来。

5 . Do not wait for the perfect moment Take the moment and make it perfect不要去等待完美的时刻,把握好现在,让此刻变完美。

6 . 如果你不走出去,你就会认为这就是世界。

7 . ╮ 峩扪 旳爱 ctrl+c 也模仿ド起 。

8 . Never say die。永不言弃。

9 . He is belongs to you 他是属于你的

10 . Want to have must first know how to accept 想拥有必先懂失去怎样接受


1 . 别向这个混蛋的世界投降。

2 . You give me Stop 你给我站住

3 . So what if we fall down? At least we are still young 摔倒了又怎样,至少我们还年轻。

4 . 纸飞机飞的再远带不走我的心情。

5 . I do not follow, I live is always all you want。我不会遵循,我过的生活从来都是自己想要的。

6 . who is able to be egotistical needs to be strong too。

7 . 当拥有已经是失去,就勇敢的放弃。

8 . 单曲重复:Just One Last Dance

9 . Cause I can feel you in me 因为我可以感觉到你在我心里

10 . You are the one I want to grow old with 我愿与你白头到头。


1 . In life, couples meet because of fate To go through life together is happiness走在一起是缘分,一起在走是幸福。

2 . Youre not here with me 你不在我的身边

3 . often appear in dreams, wake up you should see him。

4 . I love you already tired爱你的我已经累了

5 . don&#;t fear you forsake, just afraid of losing you。

6 . feeble story, just making excuses。

7 . But carefully as you pass by。漠然路过却精心为你。

8 . To lose the pursuit of the lost, going to marry the well-being of the married要输就输给追求,要嫁就嫁给幸福。

9 . 最后说我爱你 是我所能做的唯一 Finally say I love you, yes I can do only

10 . Love is a vine that grows into our hearts。爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。