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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-19 22:14:19



1 . , deliberately to find happiness, often can not find, but bring empty and annoyance But sometimes, in an unintentionally or unintentionally, the pleasurable thing is an unexpected guest, suddenly coming, unpredictable The satisfaction of doing a good thing and completing the work that has contributed to the work will make people happy naturally

2 . 高跟鞋走不了太远的路;香烟中嗅不到泥土的芬芳;办公室里也永远遇不到,那个等在远方的人。

3 . , anger, is the use of other people&#;s fault to punish their own folly The sun like gold, silver moon, happiness of life and happiness have endless enjoyment, where there is time to get angry? Get over it!

4 . , listen to the rain sound drunk, the smoke in rain such as wine, water, and wind rustling off Wanli River, mad horse smile, Xiao Disheng Xie Ronghua, blood desire, only white hair Laugh, and the red neon yangko dance pavilion Stewed drunk old paper cup, the red has been interrupted, bitter bird called off the stream sound, what can the situation only cry?

5 . 幸福就像小偷,来的时候静悄悄,走的时候才知道损失惨重!

6 . 你的身体和灵魂,至少有一个要在路上,不走出去看看,你会狭隘到以为目之所及,便是整个世界。

7 . 我记得有次见面时,他说:你看,我原先虽然无人问津,好在能沉下心来充电积累,同时再找一个合适的方式把学到的东西输出出去,看似花了很多时间,走了很长的弯路,但是最后的结果是,你人生走的每一步都不会白费。

8 . 有一天老婆为了要筹房贷的钱,烦恼到什么事都心不在焉,明明锅里还在煮花生,就匆匆出门去了。

9 . 恰好外婆临近退休年龄,只要母亲点头,就可以接班进入外婆的单位,可最后母亲还是拒绝了这个将就过一生的选择。

10 . 在爱情里,有多少人自问由始至终都是百分之百的真?从来没有修饰过自己,也从来没有说谎?那百分之三的假,只是想把对方永远留在身边。


1 . 担心是人类负面情绪之首,它击碎了当下的岁月静好,透支了明天的动荡不安。容易担心的人,往往很少主动去改变去争取,而是将自己交给命运,并且从不自信可以拥有好运。

2 . , everyone has its own difficulties, but some people are not easy to be found Life can not be all the same Life is a kind of rhythm We must have light and shadow, rain and shine Everyone wants to live happier and better in this world The clever way is to change ourselves instead of changing the outside world To know, life is created by yourself

3 . 一

4 . 幸福就是无论何时何地,那一个人的心永远与你贴在一起。

5 . 朋友说:没有路不平,只有你不行。重视从来都不是别人给你的,而是你赢回来的。你仔细想想,这段时间,你啥也没做好吧?

6 . , do not know how the heart should be placed, do not know where the feelings should go, only know that the heart with the falling yellow leaves, quietly sigh Along with the wind blowing repeatedly, shaking the leaves more feel the heart of love, feeling desolate, falling forever silent

7 . We have no hope of life Many times in life, we have written the original appearance of the years, but we do not want to admit it all In the end, deceit is the most helpless self - esteem Perhaps, in the smile toward once all the years that life is the failure wave, extreme

8 . 为什么总有人在抱怨自己东不成西不就?

9 . 她说:自己的人生并不是用来浪费在将就上的。

10 . 我的朋友老杨去年年前辞职做自由职业者,他此前是一家教育机构的英语讲师,觉得凭着自己多年积累的经验,能做一个不错的企业培训师。


1 . 允许我在你心里建一座美丽的小屋,千万别理会别人说是违章建筑,一起做个做个幸福的人。

2 . , once thought, I was the spring in your heart forever, but I forgot, the back of spring is cold autumn, cold winter Once thought, I can quit, quit, quit sad, I forgot, the most difficult to quit you How I like this moment, because this is the season you and I know

3 . 在诸多新年祝福与新年计划中,我最喜欢“别担心”这三个字,它温暖却有力,看上去容易做起来很难,而一旦做到,你就可以成为自己喜欢的样子——活在当下。

4 . 经常有人说,我知道这样不好,就是改不了,我只能说那是你对自己不够狠。当发现自己陷于无用的担心,我选择立刻行动起来,要么去解决,要么用其它事情分散注意力,不给自己胡思乱想的机会。

5 . , do not dream of life is always so festive, also don&#;t dream in life to enjoy all the spring seasons, everyone&#;s life is doomed to trudge kankam, taste bitter and helpless As long as the heart of faith does not shrink, as long as their season no winter, even the wind and the rain qiku naiwo?

6 . , the difference between man and man is only in talent, but also in willpower Stupid person not afraid, as long as he is diligent, aspirant ambition, success sooner or later will be he picked The tortoise and the hare race are known to be too clever, sometimes clever, stupid is stupid and spirit, always produce miracles in ordinary people

7 . 当你离开这个世界时,带不走一丁点财富,仅能带得走由爱沉淀的记忆,而这些才是真正陪伴你的,给你力量和光的财富。

8 . “苹果教父”乔布斯在临终前的最后一段话里,告诉了我们什么是比金钱更重要的东西。

9 . , too much dependence is not what I think, and I want to learn to be independent and want to learn to rely on myself But I can&#;t do it, maybe because I&#;m not as strong as I can imagine I&#;m really not that strong As time passed, I had too much in my heart, and I wanted to learn to rely on myself to find that love on my own

10 . 幸福是一座高高的山,是一条长长的河,也是一片蔚蓝的大海。


1 . 想起学长在我找工作之前的劝告:聪明人从来不把自己放在可有可无可无的位置上。要么他们有不可或缺的能力,要么他们懂得通过学习获取不可多得的能力。你看你,普普通通,大学就不算优等生,自然算不上不可或缺,接下来你可别松懈自己啊。

2 . 一辈子真的好短,有多少人说好要过一辈子,可走着走着就剩下了曾经。所以,趁我们都还活着,同学朋友同事能相聚就不要错过,能爱时就认真的爱,能拥抱时就拥入怀,能牵手时就不放开。能玩的时候玩,能吃的时候吃。

3 . 如果你问我,如何提升自我价值并找到一个合适自己的位置。

4 . 第三年,终于考上了心心念念的学校。如今三十多年过去,她功成身退,留下了病人的交口称赞和同事的心悦诚服。

5 . 四

6 . , truly loved, also deeply loved by you, our love has no reason to continue, the dependence of each other has become a habit

7 . 幸福不用刻意追求,在你不经意的时候,幸福就会悄然降临在你身上。但幸福同时也长着一双翅膀,随时随地都会与你擦肩而过。所以,我们要做个幸福的人,把握幸福,即使它多停留一秒钟也好!

8 . 幸福是生活美好了,家庭和睦了。

9 . 他的前辈告诉他:经验不足就继续充电吧,顺便积累一下人脉。于是给他推荐了某大咖的付费社群和知名演讲教练的培训课程。当时的老杨已经数月没有进项,积蓄也没剩多少了,可是他还是一咬牙把最后的几万块钱花在了学习的机会上。

10 . 成年后,我一直努力改变自己的敏感与过度思虑。发现担心分为两种,有用的`担心与没用的担心。前者基于理智的判断,后者是因为缺乏安全感,害怕未来的不确定性。