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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-02-29 04:48:32



1 . 诚信严谨继往开来,求实创新再创辉煌!

2 . 八孩子,欢迎你们回来!新学期,争取新的进步!

3 . .缘份是一根线,架起我们相遇的桥,划开我们别离的界;情谊是一坛酒,天南地北共饮心不醉,他日相见举杯终有时。

4 . 新的学期,新的开始,新的希望,新的梦想,愿你在开学之际,能够有新气象,开创一片新天地。

5 . 开学咯,愿你士别三日刮目相看,单词背诵过目不忘,几何代数只用心算,下笔如有神助,外加爱因斯坦的IQ附体!

6 . 四十六学会生活,学会学习,学会合作,学会思考,学会共处。

7 . .不管你奔赴海角天涯,也不管离别会有多久,我会等待等待重逢。

8 . 快乐人生三句话:"太好了!""我能行!""让我来帮助你!"

9 . 岁月带不走记忆,只会让我更加想念。时间并不可以冲淡一切,只会在我心里生根发芽,开出思念的花。

10 . .你永远也看不到我最寂寞时候的样子,因为只有你不在我身边的时候,我才最寂寞。


1 . 海誓山盟无需太多,陪伴,就是最好的`承诺。

2 . The blueprint of your dreams will wait for you to paint, and the bright future will wait for you to create The future of the motherland will wait for you to build, the road of success awaits you School day arrived, back school bag, may you learn the power of knowledge, create brilliant!

3 . 珍惜每一个晴朗的早晨,用生命中最浓的激情,最美的期待迎接日出,让那灿烂的朝阳点缀我们的壮丽人生!

4 . , waiting for you to fly over the sky of the dream, the brilliant life waiting for you to open up, the future is waiting for you to create, waiting for you to plug up the banner of success, back schoolbag, to dream, create brilliant, creating a better, handshake success, first day, come on!

5 . 年少时你扬言要饮遍天下千种烈酒年老时你慨叹白开水原来最长情。

6 . 二十一明天的成功是今天迈出的每一步。

7 . 还在忙,但是对十二月很期待。虽然累,可是很快乐

8 . 经世济民做栋梁,海阔天空展雄才!

9 . .不是每个人都是酒后吐真言的,有人喝醉了说的是虚伪!

10 . Dreams are waiting for you to realize, life is waiting for you to be brilliant The future waits for you to open up, life waits for you to innovate Raise the banner of success, carry your schoolbag to your dream May you gather all your strength to create splendor and splendor


1 . 黄龙再辉煌,必须坚持科学发展

2 . 学会生活学会学习学会合作

3 . Start school, say goodbye to the summer vacation, and say goodbye to idleness; And school to say the sound of return, and learn to say the reunion; Say hello to your knowledge and cheer yourself up May you be in a good mood and get better grades!

4 . 人生其实没有“开学”的说法,大家天天都在进修,放假的那是大家的心灵。如今心灵“开学”愿你康乐进修,天天提高!

5 . A man&#;s purse is on his back, and he runs to the sea of knowledge Go to the palace of the campus, study science knowledge Master the modern technology and go to the top of the world School starts, let us learn all subjects together, pursue the dream here

6 . 清晨起床对着镜子说:早上好;上班工作时对每个人微笑说:早上好。自己问候,传递问候,感受快乐,你会更美好快乐!

7 . 清晨的美好就如青草般芳香,如河溪般清澈,如玻璃般透明,如甘露般香甜。亲爱的朋友,早上好,愿你今天有个好心情!

8 . 开学的钟声响起,上课的铃声响起,唤醒我们年轻的心,抖擞我们青春的劲,开学啦,朋友,祝愿你快乐学习,开心生活!

9 . .毕业照上,并没有我们灿烂的笑容。因为我们即将分离。

10 . .时间一天天过去。转眼到了毕业的时候。我挥一挥手没有带走一个学妹。


1 . .我们都要相信:这次的分别是为了下次更好的遇见。

2 . 今天是新的一个月,周五!年最后一个月,我的目标就是要好好减肥!!!

3 . , the door of knowledge waits for you to open, the essence of life waits for you to understand, the world&#;s secret is waiting for you to explore, the stage of life waits for you to perform School begins, wish you to diligently the wings, travel knowledge of the sky, learn to succeed!

4 . 三十三千里之行,始于足下。

5 . , dispatch belief as a diligent channel, for the dream fight reception, embedded learning mode in my mind, the life to brilliant avenue, first day, back up the bag, to the dream, good good study, day day up, come on!

6 . 弱者失机遇强者抓机遇智者抢机遇。让我们赢在起跑线上。

7 . .愿你在这短暂的学习时日里,获得高超的本领顽强的意志博大的胸怀;像赛马一般,越过一道又一道高栏;让生命扬帆前进,驶向碧波滔滔的大海。

8 . 亲爱的朋友,打开书包,放入你的理想,你的目标,你的勤奋,你的斗志,收拾好你的心情,上学去吧!

9 . , let the dream to take off in the campus, study hard, make it flash on the campus, learning seriously, the school day, back schoolbag, to a better future, efforts to refuel, set up the glorious life!

10 . .毕业了,也许还会怀念寝室卧谈会那轻松,愉悦的感觉。