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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-01 06:21:03



1 . 我希望你也能多在乎我些,多替我考虑些,这样就足够了。

2 . 过去是个触碰不得的东西,说不在乎,其实只有自己才知道是不是真的不在乎……

3 . 世上最糟糕的感受,就是不得不怀疑先前深信不疑的东西。

4 . .花还未开,是在等待什么吗……多么希望,花已经开好了……

5 . 三我就是这么不爱照顾自己啊来大姨妈照样吃冰生病了不去看医生告诉你我一切都好。

6 . 在没有遇到你之前,我不知道孤独之外的寒冷。在没有思念你之前,我不知道寂寞之外的难耐。

7 . 十三在我生病输液时你却在和她纠缠不清。

8 . 跟自己说声对不起,因为总是莫名的忧伤。跟自己说声对不起,为了别人为难了自己。跟自己说声对不起,因为伪装让自己很累。跟自己说声对不起,因为倔强让自己受伤。

9 . My dream is to take off here and live here Youth is flying here, life is full here Knowledge is sublimated here, and the future is cast here School begins, wish you good study, round your dream to realize your ideal

10 . .毕业了,带不走的东西都卖了,可那些沉甸甸的回忆却挥散不去。


1 . Every day is a new beginning From this day forward, try not to make up for it tomorrow The river of time, what we do every thing, all like to sprinkle seeds and under the moist of the time, those seeds slowly take root, sprout, smoke, flowering, finally produce the fruit of their own

2 . .三年光阴,匆匆而过,如梦的年纪,弥漫着串串欢声笑语,不要挥手叹息,觉得繁花尽去,鼓足勇气,不要忘了互递惊喜的消息。

3 . .毕业了,只能靠星座了解彼此。当时间和耐心都已变成奢侈品。

4 . 走不进的世界就不要硬挤了,难为了别人,作贱了自己,何必呢。

5 . Unload the idle state of mind and load the happy mood Step on the path of knowledge with diligence boots Light the lamp of wisdom and step into the beautiful campus School day is here, wish you happy!

6 . .我们一起奋斗的日子,一起跑过的日子是最值得怀念的。

7 . 只希望你和我好,互不猜忌,也互不称誉,安如平日,你和我说话像对自己说话一样,我和你说话也像对自己说话一样。

8 . .我不想说再见,更不想说不见,我只想说你不要忘了朋友。

9 . 人生的路,靠自己一步步走去,真正能保护你的,是你自己的人格选择和文化选择。那么反过来,真正能伤害你的,也是一样,自己的选择。

10 . The scenery of golden autumn is pleasant and the beginning of September is beautiful Happy companions meet together, singing in the heart of joyful songs The flowers of knowledge are fragrant, and the happiness of the classroom shines School day is here May you be happy


1 . The sun shines, the bird cries, the school begins on September ; Don&#;t worry, don&#;t worry Happy run, more fun, everyday up the mood; Sleep, smile, and go to school!

2 . People have only one life, but life can be different every day In the face of rapidly changing world, we are going to drop the past and the now carry, take each day as a new start, keep in mind the ideal of the heart, a smile in the face of life, constantly enrich himself, will have a meaningful life

3 . 爱情和婚姻是两股道上跑的车。

4 . 往事就此不提了,夜还很长,余生也是,需要留点力气重新等待,等等后来的人。

5 . .人在旅途,难免会遇到荆棘和坎坷,但风雨过后,一定会有美丽的彩虹我希望看到一个坚强的我,更希望看到一个坚强的学哥学姐!!!

6 . Every day is a new transcendence A person regardless of his past is painful, or unlimited scenery, will become a thing of the past as time goes by, life is not only a bright future, tolerance in the past, the accommodation in the future, to create a new life in the spring, your life will be more beautiful and charming

7 . 趁年青,趁梦想还在,想去的地方,现在就去,丢失的爱情并不是全部,去做想做的事情,现在就做。

8 . 年还剩最后一个月,希望你们愿望都能实现

9 . 十七闺蜜的男朋友,现在,我生病了你还会关心我吗

10 . 沉默是一个女孩最大的哭声,如果你懂。


1 . 我们都很擅长口是心非,又都很希望对方能有所察觉。

2 . 别浪费时间去取悦无关紧要的人了,做你所爱的,爱你所做的。

3 . .你有涌泉一样的智慧和一双辛勤的手,学友,学友,不管你身在何处,幸运与快乐时刻陪伴着你!

4 . Start a new knowledge voyage and learn about the sea; Make new friends and friends; Bask in the new youth sunshine, happy to move forward; Chew the fruit of new wisdom School day is here, and wish you a new journey on campus

5 . , the school starts, says goodbye to the summer vacation, goes back to school; To gather the idle body and mind, to be positive; Step on the track of study and go forward Push your wings and try harder I hope you have a smooth and successful school year!

6 . 我可以面不改色的和别人谈起你,但谁也无法想象,我的内心早已船抵礁石惊涛骇浪。

7 . 好的爱情是你透过一个男人看到世界,坏的爱情是你为了一个人舍弃世界。

8 . 忘记是很痛苦的,从前如是,今天也如是。不过,以前的痛苦是因为记不起,今天的痛苦,却是怕自己无法忘记。

9 . , facing the happy dawn, bathed in the sunshine, the backpacks of knowledge, humming the happy songs, the journey of knowledge, the ocean of wisdom School day is here Wish you a happy New Year

10 . 不要想太多,你的想象力会创造出个一开始并不存在的问题。