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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-10 02:01:31



1 . 一心一意,是这个世界上最温柔的力量。

2 . 有时候真心话往往藏在玩笑中,只是说者有心,听者无意罢了。

3 . 也许有那么一个时侯,你忽然会觉得很绝望,觉得全世界都背弃了你,活着就是承担屈辱和痛苦。这个时候你要对自己说,没关系,很多人都是这样长大的。风平浪静的人生,是中年以后的追求。当你尚在年少,你受的苦,吃的亏,担的责,扛的罪,忍的痛,到最后都会变成光,照亮你的路。

4 . 读书而不回想,犹如食物而不消化。

5 . The trees which _____ (be watered yesterday belong to them The man who ____ over there is our teacher(stand Those boys who ____ playing the guitar are from our school (be

6 . (不定冠词a,an要去掉。如:

7 . The girl ____ I just talked with is Ben’s sister A whom B which C she

8 . ( –Do you know _______ the Capital Museum? –Next Friday

9 . I have been to the Great Wall once ( He tells me… He tells me ( that he has been to the Great Wall once

10 . 当你快乐的时候,沙滩上有四行脚印;当你伤悲的时候,沙滩上有两行脚印。因为当你快乐时我陪着你一起走,当你悲伤时我背着你,让你靠在我的肩上往前行。所以我们要记得快乐,否则对方会很累。


1 . 读书是我唯一的娱乐。我不把时间浪费于酒店赌博或任何一种恶劣的游戏;而我对于事业的勤劳,仍是按照必要,不倦不厌。

2 . 人生从来不是规划出来的,而是一步步走出来的。找到自己喜欢的事,每天做那么一点点,时间一长,你就会看到自己的成长。

3 . 我一生的嗜好,除了革命之外,就是读书。我一天不读书,就不能够生活。

4 . The magician _____ played magic tricks in CCTV Spring Festival Gala is Liu Qian He is popular in China now A whose B who C which

5 . What a beautiful painting it is! I’ve never seen ___painting Asuch a Ba Csuch Dthis better

6 . 中考宾语从句真题演练

7 . .Do you know what time ___?A.the train leave B.does the train leave C.will the train leave Dthe train leaves

8 . ( I can’t understand ___the boy alone at home

9 . -That boy who _____(run fastest is from our class

10 . I hope to go to France some day__there are many museums thereAthough B unless C because D where


1 . Sarah is ______ a hard-working girl ______ she often works late into night

2 . ( The teacher asked the students A if they were interested in chatting online

3 . 以______________________引导的特殊疑问句,只能用that如: Who is the girl that is crying?

4 . (四)从句谓语单复数由先行词确定,时态由从句时间状语决定,不必跟主句保持一致。

5 . 读书破万卷,胸中无适主,便如暴富儿,颇为用钱苦。

6 . 为什么暗恋那么好?因为暗恋从来不会失恋,你一笑我高兴很多天,你一句话我记得好多年。

7 . ( Is that book ____ he borrowed on Friday? A that B which C who D the one

8 . (一)基础:引导词---who, which, that, whom,

9 . I ________the CDs to you if I have time tomorrow Awill return Breturned Chave returned Dreturn

10 . 你爱我,我会陪你;你不爱我,我给你自由。这就是傻傻的我,那个在乎你的我。


1 . .I don&#;t know _________ .Can you tell me,please? A.how the two players are old

2 . Yes, I/ we/they do No, I/ we/ they don&#;t

3 . It’s time to say goodbye to my school I’ll always remember the people _____ have helped me

4 . ( The second book__I want to read is Business at the Speed of Thought A which B what C that D as

5 . 我不贪心,最好的满足,是你给的在乎。

6 . 在所阅读的书本中找出可以把自己引到深处的东西,把其他一切统统抛掉,就是抛掉使头脑负担过重和会把自己诱离要点的一切。

7 . 要学会读书,必须首先读的非常慢,直到最后值得你精读的一本书,还是应该很慢地读。

8 . 有的时候与其说:“我们回不去了。”不如说:“我们无法一起向前走了。”很烂的借口。

9 . 中考定语从句真题演练

10 . A where Linda was B where is Linda C where was Linda D where Linda


1 . ---Tommy, do you know if Frank___to the theatre with us this Sunday if it ___?---Sorry, I have no idea

2 . 被修饰的先行词为 ________________________________________________等不定代词时, 只能用 that

3 . bazaar n (东方国家的市场

4 . I ______ here since I came to China Alived Bhave lived Cam living D had living

5 . ---What are you looking for? --- I’m looking for the pen ___ I bought yesterday A who B which C whose

6 . ( I&#;m one of the boys ______never late for school A that is B who are C who am D who is

7 . 第二:时态; )如果主句是___________,宾语从句时态根据实际情况而定

8 . A where B who C that D when

9 . 了解一页书,胜于匆促地阅读一卷书。

10 . 读书无嗜好,就能尽其多。不先泛览群书,则会无所适从或失之偏好,广然后深,博然后专。


1 . English is ________ a useful language ________ it is spoken in many countries of the world

2 . When is the school trip? It&#;s…

3 . .The small children don&#;t know _________ . A.what is their stockings in

4 . ( --Excuse me Do you know_____?--Sorry, I don’t know A where is No Middle School

5 . Yes, she does No, she doesn&#;t

6 . 读书之法无他,惟是笃志虚心,反复详玩,为有功耳。

7 . What did he do yesterday? I don’t know ---I don’t know what he did yesterday

8 . A when will they visit B when they will visit C when did they visit D when they visited

9 . The town ___we visited last week is much larger than beforeThe book ___ he bought is very interesting

10 . ( Is there anything ____ to you? A that is belonged B that belongs C that belong D which belongs