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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-08 04:51:58



1 . Perhaps the heart again sunshine, also unavoidable sorrow, the road is wide, also unavoidable hesitation But that&#;s what! In addition to sorrow, life is happiness, and the road ahead is flat, and it is bumpy Life, half joy, half sad, whether you are happy or worry, time is a second go, it will not because you are sad and go one, because you will not be happy and take a second

2 . 詹天佑克服了种种困难和考验,主持修筑京张铁路。

3 . 希望我们能一起过圣诞节。

4 . ()当时的`人,都惊讶于他的音乐天赋,争着要为他出版呢。

5 . 改为反问句:

6 . Numerous loving wishes for my wife who will always be my valuable Christmas gift and everything to me

7 . ()的爷爷()地给孩子们讲故事。

8 . 我喜欢过你是因为我瞎了,你不懂珍惜是因为你瞎了,不过我现在康复了,而你还在瞎着。

9 . 听了这个故事,我不约而同地大笑起来。()

10 . 人有生理的青春,那是用年龄来衡量的;也有心理的青春,_________________。有的人正当年少却胸无大志而暮气沉沉,年轻时就已经老了;有的人_____________________________________。生理的青春是可贵的,如春兰秋菊,但它不能永开不谢;心理的青春也许更可贵,__________________,可以傲对时间的风霜。


1 . ()小草虽然没有鲜花那样香,()。

2 . 春姑娘迈着轻盈的步履款款而行。他携着神奇的小花篮,把五彩的鲜花撒向山坡,撒向田野。她_____________________________________。她______________________________________。

3 . 曹袁之争定河北,宗亲之战定荆襄;

4 . 给你特别的祝福,愿圣诞和新年带给你无边的幸福如意。

5 . Silent in the years of the gap in the deposit, send a wisp of light, in the deepest heart, always warm smile, only for this good time, just for this time weiyang

6 . 世界上最富有的人,是跌倒最多的人。世界上最勇敢的人,是每次跌倒都能爬起来的人。

7 . 单身并不意味着脆弱,它意味着你足够坚强,去等待那个你值得拥有的人。

8 . ①②③④

9 . 万里长城,犹如一条腾飞的巨龙,蜿蜒于崇山峻岭之间,它是中华民族不屈不挠精神的象征;东方明珠,好像一枚待发的火箭,矗立在黄埔江畔,她是我国迈向现代化的见证;中关村,宛然一座拔地而起的丰碑,坐落于北京大地,她是祖国未来发展的标志。

10 . 太多的自由,便成了放纵;太多的约束,便成了禁锢。


1 . may its blessings lead into a wonderful year for you and all whom you hold dear

2 . 不是越长大越孤单,而是我们给别人的爱越来越少了。

3 . 你通常会把所爱的人,把他们某个印象,常记在心间。你思念他们,就回忆那个印象。每逢回忆那个印象,你所爱的人,就历历在目。

4 . ()在他十五岁那年,就已经写成了第一首圆舞曲。

5 . 要确定自己是否喜欢一个人其实很简单:就是靠近她的时候,你想吻她。

6 . Wishing you every happiness when Christmas is near, and expressing appreciation for your cares andconcerns during the year

7 . 承诺不是蓝天上的一片白云,逍遙飘逸。承诺不是__________________;承诺如同珍珠,它的莹润是河蚌痛苦的代价,也是河蚌的荣耀;承诺如同___________________________________________。

8 . 改为肯定句:

9 . Go back to the starting point, the wind is still, the cloud is still, the home is still, the people still, the story is still

10 . 人生三大遗憾:不会选择;不坚持选择;不断地选择。


1 . I have obsession, I want to be strong, so I choose a different way This road is very difficult, but I don&#;t know how cheap my mind is if I don&#;t go for a while If you don&#;t try it, you will always be unwilling to do it It&#;s better to let go and walk in the direction of your heart Whatever you want, the road is at your feet, and the future is just around the corner So no confusion, no longer hesitate to take a step, end point is in the distance between

2 . 你问我为什么爱你,这难度就像要我描述水是什么味道一样。

3 . 愿你所有的圣诞梦想都成真!

4 . The road of youth is so long, everywhere like grass like hope, so I wear a smile walking, looking for poetry and the distance I have gone, as in the song, I cross the mountains and the sea, and through the sea of people Maybe I&#;ve really gone through a lot of places, but the road is really long, the companion&#;s partner is unaware and I get lost Where is the poem in the distance? I really don&#;t see people on the road, cold silence, hurry on the road; apart from the story of warmth, more is struggling, I will sting and bloodshed, so be it, can only continue to walk In the night I gemellus alone, never stop, in fact, for I can&#;t see the road ahead, but it has been stiff legs and refuses swinging I stopped on the Lone Pine under looked at the sky, has been looking at; maybe see the stars are wrong, which way is wrong

5 . 缩写:

6 . 风从水上走过,留下了粼粼波纹;_________________;____________________;______________________;________________________;哨鸽从天空飞过,留下了声声欢韵……啊,朋友,我们从时代的舞台走过,留下了什么呢?

7 . much joy to you in the up coming yearmay the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at christmas and stay with you all the year through

8 . From then on, no longer have the way to guide the future step by step, no longer have people to force themselves to learn, no longer have people to care for their own achievements From this moment, the fate of the compass by one master, questioned the groundless talk, heavy rain, Men&#;s feelings are changeable, contempt at all by themselves

9 . 祝你享尽圣诞佳节的快乐和圣诞的礼品。

10 . Life in the world, there are always unsatisfactory, so occasionally some waves are unavoidable, occasionally some bumps do not care too much But many times, our troubles come from the calculation of the gains and losses, the choice of love and hatred, and the entanglement of entering or returning For a long time, such trouble has become the cruelest reality and the biggest obstacle in our life If we can learn to understand, learn to put down, will not have so much trouble Only frankly, can let the person change leisurely, can the heart push the heart to the sunshine, can let the heart smile to warm


1 . 繁华尽处,寻一无人山谷,建一木制小屋,铺一青石小路,与你晨钟暮鼓,安之若素。

2 . ((句要从正反两个方面给整段文字作总结。

3 . 小溪流水存天仙

4 . 人们宁愿去关心一个蹩脚电影演员的吃喝拉撒和鸡毛蒜皮,而不愿了解一个普通人波涛汹涌的内心世界。

5 . 他很快乐。

6 . 有些人善于跟别人相处,有些人善于跟自己相处,不必互相评价。能忍受孤独的,不会羡慕那些热闹的人际关系;拥有热闹人际关系的,也未必会羡慕独处的耐力,无所谓好坏。

7 . 猛虎一啸震山河

8 . 在圣诞和新年来临之际,祝福你平安快乐幸福!

9 . May the paper, like me, find something to soothe yourself at some time in a meeting; if you are not flat at the moment, wait a minute, I&#;ll cook a bowl of soup for you No time, just drink Maybe, it&#;s not good

10 . warm hearted wishes for an old fashioned christmas and a happy new year filled with all your favorite things