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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-07 06:11:56



1 . 祝福您及全家圣诞快乐。

2 . Give everopportunita chance, leave no room forregrets

3 . A good wife health is a man&#;s best wealth

4 . if you find a path with no obstacles, it probabldoesn’t lead anywhere太容易的路,可能根本就不能带你去任何地方。

5 . I only want you for Christmas!

6 . Maybe you should not give me hope 或许你当初就不该给我希望。

7 . 圣诞的祝福,真诚的思念。

8 . We are not afraid to love, just afraid of being hurt

9 . 圣诞快乐,恭贺新禧!

10 . 不做亏心事,不怕鬼叫门。


1 . I have all the time that I need to do everything I want to do如果我想做成一件事,那么无论需要多长时间我都会努力去挤。

2 . 需要之时方知友。

3 . 别放弃梦想,奇迹每天都在上演。

4 . Nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb

5 . The sundowners, I have a deep worry, now you have to sweet home, please take off tired a day listening to my dressing gown, a loving word: good night! 夕阳西下,黑夜中我有深切的牵挂,此刻你早已回到温馨的家,请脱下疲惫一天的衣褂,静听我一句深情的话:晚安!

6 . My wishes come to you with the flying snow。May you be happy at Christmas and always。

7 . 没有多余的力气去挥霍任何一段感情。

8 . Pain is only aware of their own has not changed only you know痛不痛只有自己知道,变没变只有你知道。

9 . life ijust like a parabola, whether you flagain high far, and ultimatelto the landing人的一生就像是一个抛物线,不论你飞的再高再远,最终还是要着陆的。

10 . 祝我的挚友圣诞快乐。


1 . If we are determined to practice benevolence, there will be no evil behavior

2 . 择真善人而交,择真君子而处。

3 . There are no shortcuts to any place worth going--Beverly Sills 任何值得去的地方,都没有捷径。

4 . I love to drink water, but also with you drink hot throat of spirits worship of loneliness and freedom

5 . If you dont want to see each other, I will disappear

6 . 吃一堑,长一智。

7 . Some people try their best to keep it, but they still cant

8 . If only you can be mine如果你是我的就好了。

9 . Give you my best wish

10 . You are far away, I am wandering in the distance where you are in the distance


1 . Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things And no good thing ever dies希望是一件好事,也许是人间至善,而美好的事永不消逝。《肖申克的救赎》

2 . 不到没有退路之时,你永远不会知道自己有多强大。

3 . 值此圣诞佳节,老板,献给您及您的家人。

4 . A bad beginning makes a bad ending

5 . Never expect the perfect man, it’s not because that u cannot find, but just becoz there is no perfect man在这世界上无所谓偶然,只是伪装成偶然的必然。

6 . 最酷的,好像都是最固执的坚持。

7 . Adversity leads to prosperity

8 . that i exist ia perpetual surprise which ilife我的存在,对我是一个永久的神奇,这就是生活。

9 . I love three things in the world: the sun, the moon and you The sun for day, the moon for night and you forever吾独爱世间三物:昼之日,夜之月,汝之永恒。

10 . Life lies not in living but in liking


1 . Didyouenjoyyourflight?你的飞行旅途愉快吗?

2 . 永远不要低估你改变自我的能力!

3 . Wishing you a Christmas of happy time and a New Year of happy days愿圣诞是你快乐的时节,愿新年是你幸福的日子

4 . A bad thing never dies

5 . 圣诞最有人情味,充满仁爱的时节,它如同阳光明媚玫瑰吐露芬芳的六月。

6 . Nobody really cares if you’re miserable, so you might as well be happy。没有人真的在意你是不是难过,所以还是快乐一点吧。

7 . 细节决定成功,点滴铸就辉煌。

8 . Its easy to cheat others, but its hard to cheat yourself

9 . Dont just rush on, stop and feel

10 . Whilethereilife there ihope