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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-08-03 22:06:03



1 . 暗恋Secret love

2 . 你忙,我可以理解,你和别人聊天,我也理解,你聊完了删除所有信息,我依然可以理解,可是,万一有一天,我在你的世界消失了,那么请你也理解。

3 . The weekend arrives, send a concern, dispel fatigue; Send a happy, happy mood; Send a passion and have fun at the weekend Have a good weekend!

4 . 微微笑,我们都已长大,岁月流逝,斗转星移,剩下的,唯有回忆,曾经美好的日子,已然不复了存在。

5 . 二十四高山重洋将我们分离,没奈何我只能在回忆中与你重逢,在梦境中与你相遇。

6 . 胸部大的女生都有神经病,因为末梢神经坏死,把上边儿憋大了。

7 . If this is not the end if I still love you

8 . , today is Wednesday, on Sunday, immediately days less bitter vexed, happiness is not flat, immediately after the work day, a happy life in tomorrow, Wednesday send to wish, wish you a happy weekend, this article short like prestige

9 . In a city,the city lived in pain

10 . 没有做不成的梦 只有不早醒的`人 Nothing is impossible dreams only people who do not wake up early


1 . The hero is open and poised, and the little man is often unhappy A little man always desires to be a hero At this time of the old and New Year, when this is coming, you say goodbye to the sweat of yesterday, the fruits of today and the glory of tomorrow With an open heart, we will celebrate the New Year You are my hero, purple east, spring flowers bloom Good thing, another year!

2 . 痛,不是因为丢了你,而是因为你而丢了自己。

3 . 你的名字是我久治不愈的病Votre nom est ma maladie en permanence

4 . , I wish to send a message to you, I would like to live a wonderful life, I would like to go to the end of the week, happy in the end Have a good weekend and have a good day!

5 . 我做过最有勇气的事,就是放弃了做朋友的机会只想让你知道我喜欢你。

6 . 我无法控制自己对你的难以忘怀但是关于你的一切再也没有了期待

7 . 原来,再坚硬的外壳,在爱情面前也会变得柔软。原来,对生活无所畏惧的人,在深爱的人面前也会开始有了软肋。可是,没关系,生活里的如愿以偿毕竟只是少数。重要的是,后来的我们,变成了更好的我们。

8 . 为什么蚊子吸血要被拍死,而卫生巾就没事呢?

9 . 时光虽然会残损,可回忆依旧是蓝色的河流,不易用手掬起却始终美好。

10 . 连气体都有惰性的,为什么人就不能懒点呢。


1 . 疯就疯吧,笨就笨吧,怪就怪吧,想怎么样就怎么样,生命短暂,快乐至上。

2 . pay is to concentrate on the work, pay is the filial piety to parents, to lover is really pay, pay with friends is sincere, , work to keep careful, for parents to want to have patience, love, with love to friends need to care about and may the New Year is always happy

3 . 不要说对不起,这不是你的错。我早就知道你不爱我,这十年来,是我在强求不属于我的爱情,是我自己贪心,你不爱我,并没有错。

4 . Even if you bad i also love you 即使你不好我也爱你。

5 . 想对每一个看过这条句子的人道一声晚安,请好好的爱自己,梦里,花会开。

6 . 不用卑微讨好,也不用死缠烂打,你不爱一个人的样子真的好酷。

7 . 寂寞的月光像一张网,撒落在黑夜里的每一个角落,悲伤的心绪,在那一刹那被释放。

8 . 这是一个人人手机不离手的时代,他要回你信息早就回了。你苦苦等待一个答案,殊不知,不回复已经是答案了

9 . 想一头扎进你怀里,闻着你身上的熟悉味道,告诉你这些天来的委屈,以及,我很想你。

10 . 嘴上说不想恋爱的人,心里大概都装着一个无法拥有的人。


1 . Experience is in the past year mishaps from practice, success is in the past year PengPengZhuangZhuang burst out, with years of experience make, have what good afraid of, you and I will continue to blaze new kyushu, because more than one, meaning you will harvest more than last year!

2 . 若时间一定要夺取我的容貌,那请留下我的回忆。

3 . 即使三宫六院七十二男妃,我也唯宠你。

4 . Have a cup of coffee in the morning and drive away the morning fatigue Move the thigh in the afternoon, stretch the body tired; Sleep early in the night, sweet dreams sweet sleep Come back to work after the holiday, every day to recover a little, to refresh the spirit of a New Year!

5 . No rain or dew in the early winter, good luck to the cat walk, not afraid of the road far mountain high, I wish you happy The sun rises early, looks forward to your smile, looks through the autumn water rises, sees you smile is good Friends are not much, bless daily report May happiness surround you, health hug you, happiness accompany you slowly grow old!

6 . 我没吸过烟所以我不知道戒烟时的那种痛苦但我喜欢过人我猜测想放下喜欢的那种感觉大概跟戒烟一样吧放下的时间越久就越痛苦一旦拿起就爱的越深我现在懂了为什么我爸爸戒烟之后一旦再次碰烟就会吸的越狠的缘故世间万物皆有缘由因果什么听闻爱情十人九悲何不两清做回甲乙丙丁大概是不爱吧。

7 . The New Year&#;s eve is coming, I hold the air for the postman, the warm greetings binding into the package, printed on the heart for the postmark, the degree of constant temperature express, the recipient is you, sincerely wish you: new spring good!

8 . 如果当时我可以不放手,后来就不会是他为你九天揽月。

9 . 要是爱你爱得再少些,话就可以多说些。

10 . It was a little early yesterday, but it&#;s a little crowded tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow is a little late New Year&#;s eve is a good day Happy New Year! Wish you a happy New Year and a happy New Year!


1 . A friend is someone with whom you dare to be yourself

2 . In the past year, your efforts have been like an exclamation point Your harvest is like a full stop and a full circle Your success is like an ellipsis The New Year is coming, I wish you, will continue to encourage, the next year to show your skills, to leave a brilliant pen for the career path!

3 . 我不想哭不想闹,我想要忘记所有,忘记痛苦忘记烦恼。

4 . It is adjacent to plum blossom and one message with six incense A fragrance sends you to cash a tree, two incense sends you the noble person to help, the three incense sends you to work well, the four incense sends you not to worry, the five incense sends you money full box, six incense delivers you forever healthy! Happy New Year!

5 . The weekend comes, the pressure goes away, the music is too good to say; Play a game, make a scene, worry and worry all forget; With family, with friends, warm and happy and happy; Have a good attitude, don&#;t get angry, be happy every day like the weekend Have a nice weekend!

6 . 原谅我强烈的占有欲,不好意思我有感情洁癖,因为我爱你,所以我看谁都像情敌。

7 . 最尴尬的莫过于,分手以后,人家已经有了甜蜜的现任,而你却不知道,还在僵持着,等待着,这次该由谁来主动和好。

8 . 其实我一直都还爱着你,只是你不知道。

9 . if you are missing someone 如果你在想念某一个人

10 . The past is for nostalgia, the years are for remembering, the future is for thinking, now is the heart, happiness is created by sweat, the Spring Festival is used to celebrate May you open your heart and embrace happiness in the New Year!