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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-23 14:08:06



1 . 他们考虑再三之后,决定分开。over是什么意思:

2 . How are you keeping?

3 . 他是个争当总统的人。Reunification of the motherland is the aspiration of the whole nation

4 . 与癫痫有关的,相关的Of or relating to differentiation

5 . 有关;相较Associated personnel

6 . 沉积物|沉淀物 what是什么意思:

7 . 银器纯银制做的物品,如餐具Please quote your price In term of pound sterling

8 . adv (倒)下;从一边到另一边;越过;再;结束

9 . 一星期英镑的工资A weekly wage of

10 . 政府扶持英镑。She asks for a pound of mince


1 . 把…列入或似把…列入黑名单 A place for everything, and everything in its place

2 . 今常用谱传自川派琴家张孔山。

3 . 随便怎样

4 . 无论用任何暖和方法,人工呼吸仍是救生所必需的`。But beneath any attempts to generalise, there are further subtle differences and conventions

5 . 小事聪明,大事糊涂She asks for a pound of mince

6 . 残暴的倾向于强加痛楚或痛苦的Don&#;t fasten the responsibility on him

7 . 我一生中失败了一次又一次。"Over shoes, over Boots"

8 . v 放置;投资;任命;名列前茅

9 . 别把你的想法强加于我。Don&#;t intrude your views on me

10 . 一不做,二不休The police replayed footage of the accident over and over again


1 . 征服者强迫当地居民接受他们的法律。 force是什么意思:

2 . To place on or as if on a blacklist

3 . (后接形容词或副词)多少,多么,多大

4 . 有关争论的常指同似是而非论点有关的sacral laws

5 . 他们似乎已丧失了对生活的热望。He has beautifully voiced this longing in one of his poems

6 . by (main force

7 . 考虑;详细讨论 I have failed over and over and over again in my life

8 . 到小D查看再三的英文翻译>>

9 . What are the odds?

10 . 降落伞载着我徐徐下落。Information respecting the child&#;s whereabouts


1 . n 英镑;磅;违章停车车辆扣留场;宠物收留所

2 . 不要把责任强加给他。Don&#;t inflict your ideas on me

3 . n 住所;座位;场所;地方;名次;社会地位;位;职位

4 . n 关心的事;关心,顾虑;关系,有关;公司,企业

5 . 对强加给他的责任,他不乐于承担。Don&#;t inflict your belief on me

6 . 各种深浅不同的棕色树叶正纷纷下落。whereabouts是什么意思:

7 . 不过无论这个故事是好是坏,讲故事的人扮演的是传授者译者以及传达者。The talent of success is nothing more than doing well whatever you do without a thought of fame

8 . adj 什么样的;多么的

9 . 他告诉了我他的下落。The leaves of various shades of brownness are falling down

10 . v 强迫,用力推动


1 . 因鲁莽驾驶罚款英镑They rooked me pounds for my berth

2 . adj 品格优秀的;英币的;纯正的`;高质量的

3 . 这没有什么可笑的。 deposited matter

4 . 参考例句:

5 . prep 在…之上;越过;在…的另一边(对面);由于;从一边到另一边

6 . adv

7 . 关于方式(或方法)的问题

8 . 我们原先都对这计划抱有热望,但回过头来冷静地切合实际地想一想,似乎计划的吸引力还不够。aspire是什么意思:

9 . 察访这些珍贵艺术品的下落花费了多年的时间。Read about her latest whereabouts on her blog Surf Eat Sleep

10 . 那幅画标价英镑。I had to pay a deposit to the landlord before I could move into the house


1 . 你知道她的下落吗?If the citizen&#;s whereabouts have been unknown for four years

2 . 你知道她的下落吗?A nearly vertical descent at an accelerated speed through the air

3 . 真令人毛骨悚然!How gelivable it is!

4 . 无论城市或会议室里的人多么愚昧无知,海浪依然歌唱,唱着赞美诗。matter是什么意思:

5 . 微分的微分的与微分学有关的concern是什么意思:

6 . n 下落,所在之处

7 . 大胆破格,创新性鲁莽或无视任何约束,如那些用慎重,规矩或传统来强加的约束Disposed to inflict pain or suffering

8 . adv 在哪一方面;到何种程度;嗯,哦

9 . again and again

10 . 谋划要再三,行动要果断。To repeat an order again and again


1 . That is essential if a sterling retreat is not to become a rout

2 . v 连续猛击;咚咚地走;心脏狂跳;捣碎;狂轰滥炸;大声播放

3 . 我设法将自己的价值观强加给他们。Don&#;t try to impose your will upon me

4 . 如四川以黑白版画见长I &#;d suggest the chef &#;s delight: sour soup Sichuan style

5 . 以任何方式,无论用什么方法

6 . There is no cause for concern

7 . 有关人员Given to or characterized by disputatious,often specious argument

8 . 她要了一磅肉末。 sterling是什么意思:

9 . Wages of a week/a weekly wage of

10 . 揖让再三He hit him more than once


1 . Bold or insolent heedlessness of restraints,as of those imposed by prudence,propriety,or convention

2 . 热望成为作家They seem to have lost their desire for life

3 . 怎样,如何

4 . A thirst for knowledge

5 . 他们敲了我十英镑的卧铺费。Her account was debited with

6 . 我们再三警告过他。After much cogitation I have decided to resign

7 . 取得成功的本领不过是无论干什么都把它干好,而没有想到要出名。Thomas Edison thought that no matter how difficult something seemed, he could find the answer

8 . 他们和那纷争没有关系。The abductee issue is of grave concern

9 . 便士为英镑。The invoice was for cif

10 . 从空中近似垂直的加速下落。My parachute eased me groundward


1 . pron 什么;多少;样的事(或人)

2 . 如果不想让此次英镑贬值变成汇率崩溃,这是必不可少的。Articles,such as tableware,made of sterling silver

3 . 这件事与我有密切关系。

4 . 别想把你的意志强加于我。 impose是什么意思:

5 . 垂体的垂体的,与垂体有关的Of,relating to,or associated with epilepsy

6 . 太给力了!

7 . n 军队,暴力

8 . place是什么意思:

9 . 目前,这不是我特别追求的。

10 . 他认为英镑价值过高阻碍了工业发展。