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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-05-24 08:56:20



1 . 考试铃音一声响,考场立刻悄声然。遥感亲人心踏实,静心安神细答卷。久盼心愿来实现,名落孙山不希望。优异成绩献父母。名牌高校挑选上,祝你金榜提名,愿友考入名校。

2 . years, preparing the college entrance examination, be sure to Rimmon a foot The clothes and food are all right, calm and not impetuous Do not eat too much before the examination, absolutely not drink cold drinks Normal play is not sloppy, extrance ultimately Wish you a nurse nomination!

3 . 苦练十年功,磨砺数春秋,养精为一博,续锐绽春花。考场展才华,稳静执笔挥,胸怀赤子情,尽展凌云志。祝愿好朋友:一鸣惊人憾,金榜题名欢。

4 . 别怕考试,放弃烦恼,先把文具准备好;吃得要好,睡得要早,身心健康脑才好;读题认真,心不分神,方可从容考得好。祝你考试顺利,轻轻松松得满分噢!

5 . 考试没有什么大不了的,我能做得出的题目别人不一定能做出来,我做不出的题目别人同样做不出,我所做的就是对的,我就是最棒的!

6 . 时间一去不复还,因此,不要等到机会不再才开始醒悟,人生很贵,请别浪费!尽力而为,无怨无悔。

7 . 考试铃声刚落音,考场之内静无声。笔走龙蛇写不停,认真审题不粗心。考场之外父母立,分分秒秒心愿盼。父母子女皆同心,高考告捷笑颜开。祝高考取得好成绩!

8 . 锄禾日当午,求学路不孤。谁知卷中分,字字皆辛苦。离离原上草,考前准备好。心态要端正,成绩必定高。信心要坚定,答题要从容。祝你高考顺利,马到功成。

9 . 他在这点行,你在那点行!

10 . and June are the season of struggle, and June is the harvest season After the college entrance examination, the arrival of anxiously waiting May you continue to work hard to swim in the knowledge sea of the higher institutions of higher learning I wish a bright future and a grand exhibition!


1 . 愿全国所有的考生都能以平常的心态参加中考,发挥自己的水平,考上理想的学校。我真心地祝福你们。

2 . 放开往日的学习中的紧张,用一颗平常心去轻松面对,相信你会考出自己理想的成绩的。愿好运一直陪伴着你!

3 . , kicked into the entrance door, good luck wrap the body; hands on the entrance volume, writing the answer if there is God; three arts and comprehensive, coco you won out; I wish you admitted to the ideal university!

4 . 挥一挥手,用顺风簇拥你的脚步。微一微笑,用快意激起你的豪情。高考在即,愿你利剑出鞘,心想事成。一路顺风,金榜题名。

5 . , ten years of studying for the exam today, the mentality is very important Not cramming, more and more to heart the fear To take a good rest before the examination, from the leisurely and easy to play high I wish you a smooth entrance, pass the examination!

6 . 亲爱的同学,期末考试来了,愿你们考出好成绩,考到自己理想的成绩。

7 . 试纸飘墨香,金笔待启程。忍心为功名,墨汁污纸张。怎能抛功名,畅游在海外。绞尽脑汁干,名在孙山外。两袖清风去,何苦染尘埃。祝考试成功!

8 . , it is a year of college entrance examination, undivided attention to bless you, two really with your line, three minutes to remind sitcalmly, four good luck with you, five copies to be careful, : first

9 . 你的美丽雅纯是子弹,会深深地击中我的心,让你的情话和动人在我心中一生美丽,一条短信却蕴含着我千千万万个心愿,祝你天天快乐高兴。

10 . 不登高山不知天之高也,不临深溪不知地之厚也


1 . 对自己要有信心。

2 . 所谓强者,拼的不是力气,也不是技巧,而是心态。踏踏实实努力,轻轻松松面对。将颤抖关在门外,让信心装满胸怀,高考尽力发挥,愿你载誉归来!

3 . 你有你的赤橙黄绿,我有我的青蓝靛紫,天空同属于我们,因为我们年轻。

4 . 马上就期末考试了妈妈希望你努力再努力,朝着自己的目标前进,相信你一定会实现的加油!

5 . 经过了三年风雨的洗礼,踏过了几许的风涛海浪,十年寒窗,今朝从容潇洒走考场!明朝金榜题名天下知!风雨后的彩虹,就在你打开短信的瞬间出现,而我的祝福就在你读完的刹那笑完!笑着读完,笑着走你以后的的路!朋友!我的祝福你会懂!

6 . , the world needs you, because you are strong; the world needs you, because you are an example; the world needs you, because you can fly; the world needs you, because you are the pillar

7 . 努力的苦读,就为这一刻啰!把你的实力全部发挥,所有关爱着你的人,都会为你祝福祈祷,相信你会考出满意的成绩,榜上有名喔!

8 . 高考到来莫慌张,愿你握紧“自信”的钢枪,扛起“淡定”的大炮,杀向“高考”的战场,祝你顺利夺取高地,轻松扫荡战场,吹响胜利号角,凯旋王者归来!

9 . 全国高考日到了,愿你执才高八斗生辉笔,饮才思万千智慧水,带气定神闲满面笑,拥胸中成竹满怀志,书锦绣嫣然好答卷,定折取桂冠来题名。

10 . 不就是一次考试嘛,怕啥,是吧,俺们沙场十几载,多这一次有啥,好了哥们,收拾一下早点睡,明早一举成功。


1 . 不把学习当负担。

2 . 车水马龙此刻沉寂,街头巷尾此时无声,莘莘学子奔赴考场,奋笔疾书为前程,祝福考生超常发挥,早日进入理想大学,开创自己辉煌人生,加油呀!

3 . 废寝忘食的学习,创造成功的机会;分秒必争的考验,打造梦想的实现;高考在即,学习有张有弛,时间安排有条不紊,祝你高考取得好成绩。

4 . 苦读寒窗十载,耗费爸妈心血。天下父母心愿,望子成龙飞腾。养精蓄锐待今,出手冲刺高考。展现真才实学,佳绩定能胜出。爸妈您别忧愁,金榜题名报喜。

5 . 别为失败找理由,要为成功找办法;今天多几分钟的努力,明天少几小时的烦恼。

6 . 九十春光一掷梭,花前酌酒唱高歌。枝上花开能几日,世上人生能几何。好花难种不长开,少年易过不重来。人生不向花前醉,花笑人生也是呆。

7 . 十年磨剑放光芒,笔尖生辉多力量,自信满满心莫慌,满腔热血上战场,才思隽永心中藏,知识重点全不忘,乘风破浪会有时,金榜题名定辉煌。全国高考日,愿考生们高考顺利,学业有成!

8 . 快到考试的日子了,希望你干自愿事,吃顺口饭,听轻松话,睡安心觉。使自己保持良好平静的心态,不要太紧张,相信你的梦想会实现的!

9 . 立志高远,脚踏实地;刻苦钻研,勤学苦思;稳定心态,不馁不弃;全力以赴,夺取胜利。

10 . 鹏程万里今朝始,宏图大展正当时,十年寒窗奋展翅,豪情凌云遂壮志,书山勤磨剑锋利,学海苦游花香袭,祝君高考题金榜,前程似锦福迢递!


1 . , the college entrance examination, a few happy tears, with tears of regret, also has a successful smile May the exam you, the courage to overcome the failure, I believe there is a rainbow after the storm May you pass the examination of the persistent, brilliant forever

2 . 自信,是无尽智慧的凝聚。平淡,是成功路上的驿站。

3 . 努力的苦读,就为这一刻啰!把你的`实力全部发挥,所有关爱着你的人,都会为你祝福祈祷,相信你会考出满意的成绩,榜上有名喔!

4 . 懦弱的人只会裹足不前,莽撞的人只能引为烧身,只有真正勇敢的人才能所向披靡。

5 . , to win the forefront of the world, at dawn The ravine flying out of Phoenix, the laughter strikes drums The college entrance examination will be considered as a voluntary newspaper, and the University of Tsinghua University is required I wish you to achieve the ideal dream, the construction of the motherland to be hero I wish a brilliant future

6 . 用那些彩贝去编织你是诗吧,用那簇星座去谱写你的歌吧——生活,需要幻想的音符。

7 . , studying hard, just for a moment, the college entrance examination, don&#;t worry, in answer, Huibi God, easily, study hard, eventually return, SMS wishes to achieve the ideal, admitted to the University, happy

8 . 圣人与常人之间往往只相差一小步,而这一小步却往往需要非凡的毅力才能赶上。

9 . , after the rain rainbow, after the thorn is smooth Don&#;t blame the big reward God helps those who help themselves, unremitting self-improvement is There is a road to give you, as you travel There is no end for learning We calm, success in the Ming dynasty

10 . 以后的路还很长,只要努力就会成功!


1 . 不惧困难不紧张,轻松坦然无压力。仔细阅读好答题,认真书写才思情。自信饱满创佳绩,笑容满面赢未来。一举夺得好花魁,今朝折桂正此时。全国高考日,愿学子们捷报频传。

2 . 厚德载物,天道酬勤。你我不是一直都相信吗?!呵呵,所以你已经付出了这么多了,就不要怕了(虽然嘴上没说,呵呵,绝对没有问

3 . 把心中的烦恼抛掉,舒舒服服的睡个好觉;看了试卷你偷偷发笑,全是复习过的一个不少,轻松考完乐逍遥,开心等待成绩心情妙。祝高考马到成功!

4 . 严格按计划安排学习,违规时自己惩罚自己!

5 . 再过几日即考试,十年寒窗为今朝。临时没法抱佛脚,上阵磨枪有绝招。考前定要休息好,用具准备要趁早,有备而战信心高。祝考试顺利!

6 . 黑发不改勤学早,白发方悔读书迟。

7 . , hard, set foot on the entrance road, put the peace of mind, confidence is full, facing the exam, writing if there is God, send SMS blessing, wish you to work since high school, Ma, Jinbang Title set

8 . 就要考试了,放开往日的学习中的紧张,用一颗平常心去轻松面对,相信你会考出自己理想的成绩的。愿好运一直陪伴着你!

9 . 厚德载物,天道酬勤。你我不是一直都相信吗?!呵呵,所以你已经付出了这么多了,就不要怕了(虽然嘴上没说),呵呵,绝对没有问

10 . 高考之际,放松压力。提前进场,以免拥挤。答题技巧,心中默记。仔细读题,后难先易。驱除杂念,循规蹈矩。遭遇难题,冷静梳理。认真检查,多多有益。


1 . , study hard for decades, hope in the eyes, heart soothing, steps with the tight, loose pace, good rest, do be careful in your success I wish the college entrance examination is smooth, and I wish it all

2 . , one year spent similar, each year is different every year, the college entrance examination this year is also the case, you are different, I wish you a high school Yao lintel, SMS blessing has been sent to the admission notice, close to

3 . 快到期末大考了,希望你干自愿事,吃顺口饭,听轻松话,睡安心觉。使自己保持良好平静的心态,不要太紧张,相信你会取得好成绩!

4 . 祝福我的好朋友考试成功!虽然最近我不再陪伴你学习,但是我在心里依然惦记着你相信你一定会成功的不管你能否看到都希望你能感受到我真诚的祝福!祝考试一切顺利!美梦成真!昨天,我们给你鼓励。今天,我们一起加油努力!

5 . , exam, exam, psychology, champion, champion, and luck Therefore, as long as we pay attention to rest and relax, we will first belong to you Good luck, gate first!

6 . 我们共同的家三年,漫长而又短暂。在这不同寻常的三年中,我们风雨兼程,肩并佳佳好像越到知道成绩的时候,心里越是忐忑不安,远没有刚考完时那样一为考试的朋友,所有参加考试的朋友,不管怎样我们走过。

7 . , studying for decades, only the title in the college entrance examination in sight, Jinbang put blessings: calmly went to the examination room, play a calm confidence high, extraordinary, to achieve the ideal I wish: entrance victory!

8 . 心态好,万事都好,答题好字写好,高考战场发挥好。状态佳,凡事都佳,心情佳分数佳,人生转折从此佳。信心百倍升,考无不赢战无不胜。祝你高考顺利,考出好成绩。

9 . , three words: college entrance examination into the examination room, and better, firstly, after the difficult The examination questions are easy and not, I feel easy, people feel easy The exam is difficult, I am not bored, I feel difficult, people feel difficult Out of the examination room, no issue, to be tomorrow, and then fight

10 . 端正态度还来得及,未来是光明的,我相信你能做到最好,努力向前吧!爸妈为你加油,做你坚强的后盾。


1 . 考试属于你!相信自己,你是最棒的!祝你在考试中旗开得胜一鸣惊人金榜题名!

2 . 亲爱的孩子,天,每一天爸爸都在全心全意地为你祝福。祝愿你从小的梦想成真!爸爸相信你一定会成功,明年秋天我就可以到大学校园探望你,我们一言为定

3 . years, only for the present of a stroke, the future road light, with the college entrance examination measurement, easy to enter the examination room, trying to play wit, may your dream come true, I wish you a nurse nomination

4 . , college entrance examination is coming heart don&#;t panic, self-confident power, sleep vigorous spirit, dress up strong, easily on the battlefield, do not forget good documents, the examination activities should be excellent, I wish you a smooth entrance, a bright future!

5 . 寒窗书剑十年苦,今日向阳花正开。万千考生皆努力,青年才俊展风采。下笔神思如水流,微笑答卷甚轻松。蟾宫折桂此时有,鱼跃龙门在今朝。全国高考日,愿考生旗开得胜。

6 . 好好学习,天天向上,提升自我,父辈添光,高考在即,切莫慌张,调整心态,斗志高昂,祝福伴你,扬帆起航,信心满满,创造辉煌!

7 . , the magpie chirping, Le Amoy Tao to pass the good news Beautiful art Qunfang Maria, have laughed at Ten years studying achievements, to realize the dream of today The prestigious smiled at you, the return is kennedy May you have a great future

8 . 攀登书山游书海,始终如一好儿郎。十年一日重积累,厚积薄发征考场。挥斥方遒书才思,指点江山生光辉。扬帆直取成功路,折取桂冠添锦绣。全国高考日,愿学子胜利而归。

9 . 依依终须别,此后盼珍重,再叙情更浓。

10 . 不要用自己的短处去比别人的长处。