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中考英语 重点句子(中考英语重点句子归纳30句)

来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-04 22:33:02

中考英语 重点句子(中考英语重点句子归纳30句)

中考英语 重点句子【一】

1 . What I said applies only to some of you

2 . MyfriendisstrongHehasshorthairHelikessports我的朋友很强壮,他有着短头发,他爱运动。 IlikemusicShelikespainting我喜欢音乐,她喜欢绘画。

3 . 他从不承认自己的失败。

4 . The music and the setting are clearly the key components of this amazing production

5 . 光速很快,我们几乎没法想像它的速度。

6 . 认识到问题是找到解决办法的第一步。

7 . all right 好,行;令人满意的,不错的;良好的,安然无恙的

8 . 直到我遇到你以后,我才真正体会到幸福。

9 . abide by 履行,遵守

10 . 告诉我这事的人不肯告诉我他的名字。

中考英语 重点句子【二】

1 . 天气转晴了,这是我们没有想到的。

2 . Lost time is never found again

3 . 众所周知,石油在我国的国民经济中起了重要作用。(play an important role in…

4 . whether or 是还是,不管还是

5 . 大学毕业后,他申请了很多工作,但还没找到适合的。(apply for)

6 . Traditional jazz went into a bit of a decline

7 .

8 . Visiters from all over the world come to visit it every year

9 . 传统的爵士乐有些开始进入衰弱期。(go into a decline

10 . The footprints in the desert soon faded away The song of struggle has been stirring in the heart of the Trekker for a long time

中考英语 重点句子【三】

1 . Intentional thinking leads to intentional life, while negative thinking leads to negative life

2 . 我们经常被告知……但事实真是这样吗?

3 . A hundred days of accumulation, a hundred days glory

4 . Nowadays ,many students always go into raptures at the mere mention of the coming life of high school or college they will begin Unfortunately ,for most young people ,it is not pleasant experience on their first day on campus

5 . 人们似乎忽视了教育不应该随着毕业而结束这一事实。

6 . 注:汉语表达中的“价”和“物”在英语中均无需译出。

7 . Fly your heart and spread your hope

8 . Notbeingtallisnotaseriousdisadvantageinlife,

9 . The latest surveys show that Quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework

10 . or so 大约,左右

中考英语 重点句子【四】

1 . 这是一个我们必须学会面对的痛苦的新情况。

2 . 记住要遵守交通规则。

3 . 一些人认为……另一些人持相反意见。也许双方的观点都有一定道理。但是我们必须认识到……

4 . 从这个图表中我们可以看到很多重要的变化。

5 . Instead of going to school, Zhang Hua joined the army

6 . Experience; Only then will understand; Has pays only then repays

7 . suchthat 那样的以致

8 . 还原为陈述句:ThisisthetrainforGlasgow

9 . ItwasnotuntilImetyouthatIknewrealhappiness

10 . 越来越多的人意识到保护环境是非常重要的。

中考英语 重点句子【五】

1 . Themanwhotoldmethisrefusedtotellmehisname

2 . sothat 如此以致

3 . Its origins are anchored in the folk songs of black Americans from the period of slavery

4 . Its a little hard today and a little more tomorrow

5 . Health first, start from me

6 . Behind every effort, there must be a double reward

7 . Remember to obey traffic rules

8 . 我们迷路了,这使我们的野营旅行变成了一次冒险。

9 . A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step; two years of storms, a rainbow in ones life

10 . The road is ones own; the opportunity is ones own creation