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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-03 14:52:15



1 . The autumn is fragrant with fragrance, and the melon and fruit are spitting incense The campus is very quiet and the scenery is everywhere Happy horsepower, keep fresh memories The palace of knowledge is open, and the writing of youth is heroic School day arrived, carry the school bag, to the school advance

2 . 低头学习,抬头做人。

3 . 如果真的有那么一个末日,那你是回一个人逃生呢,还是会拉着我的手一起等待伟大的死亡;如果真的有那么一天,我愿意,我愿意和你一起走过这些所有的悲痛和忧伤。

4 . 百日积淀,百日辉煌。

5 . The sun shines, the bird cries, the school begins on September ; Don&#;t worry, don&#;t worry Happy run, more fun, everyday up the mood; Sleep, smile, and go to school!

6 . 年末了,把心情开朗些,真情就不会拥挤,把欢笑传染下,思念就不会生病,把生活调理下,感情就不会孤立,把祝福注射下,友情才有新生,xx愿你活出人生精彩!

7 . 争取转介绍,举绩两不误。

8 . 逝去的那些美好仿佛是那些飘零的樱花,美丽易碎,又那样让人流连忘返。阳光像是检阅了我们的忧伤,把所有沉睡的过往都慢慢叫醒,我们的时光好像是沙漏的沙子。

9 . , sending out the rich fragrance of books, classroom embodies the happy notes, class to the clever philosophizing, campus pervaded the youth breath, first day arrived, you would like to say goodbye to the holidays, the sails

10 . , facing the happy dawn, bathed in the sunshine, the backpacks of knowledge, humming the happy songs, the journey of knowledge, the ocean of wisdom School day is here Wish you a happy New Year


1 . .三年只是瞬间,就这样欢歌纵笑,就这样相识相聚,甚至都来不及好好地话别,马上就要各奔东西。

2 . 一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨,所有的美好从清晨开始,希望你携带着快乐幸运健康顺利如意出发开始新的一天,保持一整天的好心情,早安!

3 . 要认识很多很多人,管用的却只有那么几个,要做很多很多选择,必要的却只有那么几次。

4 . .哈哈,四年的老同桌,你身上一定有门捷列夫没有发现的元素!否则,语言怎么在我最需要的时候无影无踪了呢?很多我们以为一辈子都不会忘记的事情,就在我们念念不忘的日子里,被我们遗忘了。

5 . 年少时你扬言要饮遍天下千种烈酒年老时你慨叹白开水原来最长情。

6 . 吃苦受累,视死如归!

7 . 那是多少年未变的夏天,宛如未知的光年未知的季节,大片墨绿色的林荫遮掩了少许斜洒的夕阳,地面看似忽暗忽明杂然交错,原来夏季早已悄然而至。

8 . 生活只有两种选择:重新出发,做自己生命的主角,抑或停留在原地,做别人的配角。

9 . 六一销售少儿险,天赐良机正当前。

10 . , first day arrived, I wish you a beautiful campus into the interface, open the link, click on the image of knowledge, the search of the wisdom of the notes, record growth, download communication software, installation of active thinking, duplicate the epistemic beliefs, paste the desire to succeed


1 . .牵起你的手微笑,让全世界都知道,你是我一生中最大的骄傲。

2 . 重任在肩,埋头苦干。

3 . 现在多流汗,考后少流泪!

4 . 装起一车的“收获”,洗去一年的“尘土”,换上崭新的“笑容”,穿上一身的“期待”,xx在即,祝愿您新的一年“万象”更新,“万事”如意!

5 . 我自信,我拼搏,我出色,我成功。

6 . 金秋辉煌,硕果累累,签单英雄,舍我其谁?

7 . 我真想变成你的手机:永远被你握在手里,经常听到你的心语,还能拍下你看到的美丽,时时把我记在心里。

8 . .毕业了,结束了!可是到底是结束,还是另一个新的开始?

9 . 七换个新鲜的方式,跳着狂想的舞曲,试着征服这冷漠的世界。

10 . Every day is a new transcendence A person regardless of his past is painful, or unlimited scenery, will become a thing of the past as time goes by, life is not only a bright future, tolerance in the past, the accommodation in the future, to create a new life in the spring, your life will be more beautiful and charming


1 . 在这安静的深夜,我让思念慢慢开出花蕊,吐露爱恋的芬芳,陶醉怡人的月光,给你一路的温暖,在那幸福的梦乡,亲爱的,晚安,好梦。

2 . xx年即将过去,愿你:清理烦恼失意,保持激情畅通;删除痛苦回忆,保持高涨情绪;复制无畏勇气,保持拼搏活力;添加美好顺利,保持快乐喜气;祝你xx年万事顺顺利利,吉祥安康如意!

3 . .人家都说我很雷人,其实我哪有什么雷人的,我只是老把主席的话当耳旁风。

4 . Start school, fight all over the spirit, say goodbye to idleness; Shout the hard slogan, study hard; Raise the diligence flag, strive to be strong; Set ambitious goals and be aggressive May you travel in the sea of knowledge, and enjoy it!

5 . The blueprint of your dreams will wait for you to paint, and the bright future will wait for you to create The future of the motherland will wait for you to build, the road of success awaits you School day arrived, back school bag, may you learn the power of knowledge, create brilliant!

6 . .四年或长或短都已被时间带走,留下的回忆已成为淡淡的殇。

7 . 十三生日我一个人过。情人节我一个人过。最后的一个六一节日我一个人过。尼玛有本事考试也让我一个人过啊!

8 . .人在旅途,难免会遇到荆棘和坎坷,但风雨过后,一定会有美丽的彩虹我希望看到一个坚强的我,更希望看到一个坚强的学哥学姐!!!

9 . Set ambitious goals, work hard and make progress; Shout the learning slogan, good study, day day up; Sweat hard, work hard, keep improving School starts, wish you study well, all the best!

10 . 年最后一个月第一天,这个月被水逆笼罩着,希望一切平平安安


1 . 欢聚要有喜气,喝酒要有人气,xx的福气,化作xx的幸福,xx的运气,化作xx的幸运,xx的心愿,化作xx的希望,xx的目标,化作xx的成功,愿你更辉煌,事业更成功。

2 . .毕业了,话题不再是八卦,学习,换成了工作,前途与结婚。

3 . 二十鉴于你年龄偏大心眼偏少,脑袋偏大思维偏少,个子偏大智商偏少,特送你可爱称号“老儿童”,最后的一个六一节日儿童节到了,要快乐哟。

4 . .四年的不离不弃,四年的风雨同舟,谢谢一路有你相伴。

5 . .不是每个人都是酒后吐真言的,有人喝醉了说的是虚伪!

6 . 用心用情,无悔无憾。

7 . Start school, say goodbye to the summer vacation, and say goodbye to idleness; And school to say the sound of return, and learn to say the reunion; Say hello to your knowledge and cheer yourself up May you be in a good mood and get better grades!

8 . 出去走走,看看不同的风景,接触不同的人和事,你会发现,你的烦恼原来是那么微不足道。

9 . .春真的很单薄,风一吹,就散了。

10 . 曾经暗哑的岁月开始变得黑暗,世界颠倒了方向,过去美好的时光开始变得荒谬,大地又裂开了缝。世界开始荒芜人间开始虚妄,你又带着一身的清凉出现在我的面前,出现在那个年华的岔口。那个时候,你还是你麽?


1 . , life is wonderful, you come to deduce, the glorious future, to create, you dream of the sky, to swim, you first day to back up the bag, to dream, to the future, study hard, and create a wonderful life, come on!

2 . , the door of knowledge waits for you to open, the essence of life waits for you to understand, the world&#;s secret is waiting for you to explore, the stage of life waits for you to perform School begins, wish you to diligently the wings, travel knowledge of the sky, learn to succeed!

3 . Install the acceptance letter and complete the journey A banner at the campus gate, chasing dreams here Cherish the good time of university, achievement enterprise depends on knowledge Sweat book hua zhang, wonderful life is flying The school opened and the students entered the sea of books

4 . 本领无非是耐心和时间的混合物。

5 . .我们匆匆告别,走向各自的远方,没有言语,更没有眼泪,只有永恒的思念和祝福,在彼此的心中发出深沉的共鸣。

6 . , let the dream to take off in the campus, study hard, make it flash on the campus, learning seriously, the school day, back schoolbag, to a better future, efforts to refuel, set up the glorious life!

7 . 十四时间的线一直在延伸,原来是因为自己还在回味从前的美好,而无力前行。

8 . A man&#;s purse is on his back, and he runs to the sea of knowledge Go to the palace of the campus, study science knowledge Master the modern technology and go to the top of the world School starts, let us learn all subjects together, pursue the dream here

9 . 厉兵秣马,拼一年春夏秋冬;破釜沉舟,搏一生无怨无悔!

10 . 二十五或许旅行的意义就是没意义,它只是简单的上路而已,让你不忘记。