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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-17 18:29:38



1 . 不是因为困难重重,我们心生畏惧;而是因为我们心生畏惧,所以事情变得困难重重。

2 . 走在大街上,一边落泪,一边下雨——哭得狼狈,笑得疯狂

3 . , the mouth is someone else&#;s life, and life is his own People who are habitually abused by their mouths should think with their left brain and right brain: why do I have to be a slave to others&#; mouths? Why do you care so much about other people&#;s ideas? As long as you get through, you have the right to be happy

4 . , anger, is the use of other people&#;s fault to punish their own folly The sun like gold, silver moon, happiness of life and happiness have endless enjoyment, where there is time to get angry? Get over it!

5 . 有时候,尽管事与愿违,也唯有迁就。有时候,明明非我所求,却只得领受。有时候,就算依依不舍,终还要放手。

6 . 每一个人都有一个关于梦想的诅咒,但是很多人刻意地躲开,成为不了功夫熊猫,成为汤面熊猫有什么不好?这些人聪明地躲开了梦想的诅咒,安心地过自己的生活,他们让我羡慕。

7 . , once thought, I was the spring in your heart forever, but I forgot, the back of spring is cold autumn, cold winter Once thought, I can quit, quit, quit sad, I forgot, the most difficult to quit you How I like this moment, because this is the season you and I know

8 . 哪有什么懒不懒,还不是因为想做的事情你没能力做,要做的事情你不想做。

9 . 单纯天真开朗外向我很羡慕这几种人。

10 . 因为梦想意味着自己也许有实现梦想的潜能,那同时也有了把这些潜能表现出来的责任——因为知道自己拥有潜能是一件危险的事情。当你知道自己拥有成为一个好的作家的潜能,你开始思考如何能够发挥这种力量,做出什么样子的作品,然后才对得起自己的才华呢?而你平时一直告诉自己说:“其实我就是一个很普通的人,我就是一个平凡的人。”


1 . 请不要拿我跟谁比,我不是谁的影子,更不是谁的代替品。

2 . 时间和空间的距离是多么的遥远啊,能将两个人活生生的分离。

3 . 我该拿你怎么办,每次都那么厌烦。

4 . 时间长了,感情淡了,有些小情绪,甚至觉得没有太多的话题,有的时候不知道该何时说,怎么说,说什么,希望我们每个人都不会被时间所冲散。

5 . 让我站在心碎的地方轻轻地打一个结一次缝补阻止伤痛再流出。

6 . 寂寞这种东西只能憋在心里。不能说出来。说出来就会变得恶俗和矫情。小时候的寂寞是没有朋友。而长大后的寂寞比没有朋友更可怕。

7 . 你小时候没学过呀,打架是不对的,要搞偷袭。

8 . 小时候,朋友很少,但很真实。长大了,朋友很多,总是感到孤独。何不敞开心扉,畅所欲言,你会发现,有一把钥匙,开启了你快乐的心情!

9 . , the life is impermanence, the heart is the place to return On the road of life, there are choices, abandonment, setbacks, responsibilities, success and failure Time filter the memory of the pain and displeasure, also precipitated joy and madness And these once beautiful memories, accompanied by my way, experienced the wind and rain of life

10 . 结果今天早上睡了个懒觉,看了几集电视剧,就到中午了。吃完饭,终于去了图书馆,找好座位,书摆在那,翻都没翻开,就玩起了手机。刷了会微博,聊了一会qq,逛了会淘宝,看一会微信文章,然后趴在桌子上睡着了。一觉醒来图书馆窗外的路灯就亮了,然后我收拾东西,去食堂吃了饭,回寝室了。一天一笔没动,变的很不努力。我开始审视自己,问自己:“你知道为什么自己自律不起来吗?”


1 . , as long as there is a person&#;s place is not; as long as people have a mouth, there will be opinions and criticism Moreover, people who are too concerned about the ideas of others are not only unable to be happy, but also easy to lose their own characteristics and personality, but also have no way to develop their potential

2 . 我们一路跌跌撞撞摸爬滚打到今天,就是为了在一起。

3 . 很多人说婚姻是爱情的坟墓,但是能够入土为安的爱情,总比暴尸街头要好得多。

4 . 嗯好久没被拥抱,从来没被深拥。

5 . , tourism needs a guide, life also needs a tutor! It is better to read thousands of books than to read thousands of books; to read thousands of miles is not as good as reading countless people; to read countless people is not as good as leading teachers; Although not every coach can teach the champion, every champion has a coach! Do you have a life coach? If you don&#;t ask him to find him at the last time!

6 . 难过时不一定要流泪觉得自己难过了就蹲下来抱抱自己。

7 . 失去一个人,就连这个城市都是空的`。我的旅行结束了,我回头去牵空气的手。

8 . 对于这件事,我多少都有一些愧疚,更多的是无奈,这样的类似的事情发生在我身边的很多。

9 . 上了高中才知道,别人请客吃饭或着自己请别人吃饭都是很平常的,甚至请一个不怎么熟的人都是有可能的

10 . 站好你的位置,再说你该说的话。


1 . 你需要在口袋里装上两张纸条:一张上写“我只是一粒尘埃”,另一张上写“世界属于我”。

2 . 他们有那么多理由离开,为什么没有一个理由留下来。

3 . 放下你的浮躁,放下你的懒惰,放下你的三分钟热度,放空你禁不住诱惑的大脑,放开你容易被任何事物吸引的眼睛,闭住你什么都想聊两句八卦的嘴巴,静下心来好好做你该做的事情。

4 . , master asked, "if you want to boil a pot of boiled water and make a fire until half a year, if you find it is not enough, what should you do?" The master said, why don&#;t you drop some of the water in the pot? The world can not be all the same

5 . 我一个人的失眠,一个人的空间。一个人的想念,两个人的画面。一个人的座位,一个人想着一个人。

6 . 时间真得可以淡化一切。再好得茶叶泡多了也淡了。再好的感情分开时间长了也没了。所以记得经常联系和聚聚。

7 . , change the state of mind can change the way to live A man of optimism, in life, you can laugh at the wins and losses, not only final outcome, they believe in the future, do not complain about the status quo, to use their own advantages, play to their potential, step by step to climb, and success

8 . 你总要把承诺一点点地摧毁。

9 . 曾经的誓言,现在的谎言,一切的一切只是在敷衍我。

10 . , some words, suitable for rotten in the heart; some pain, suitable for silent forget! A man meets a man and depends on a bit of fate When people get along with others, they depend on sincerity Thinking of others is a kind of warmth, being missed by others is a kind of happiness The most difficult is to know each other, the most bitter is to wait, the most beautiful is happiness Fate is providence, and it is human The confidant is the tacit tacit understanding, the confidant is the perfect deep friendship


1 . , in order to defeated the landlord, a US ally, "we Former friends become enemies with each other" There is no eternal enemy, no forever friend When necessary, even disassemble your cards have to be sent to the partner It shows that the key moment in a team is to understand self sacrifice so that you can win the final victory!

2 . 曾经那个说会陪你一辈子的人,现在在哪呢。

3 . 时间长了,感情淡了,付出看不到一点希望,那还是放弃吧,因为他根本不需要你,因为爱是相互的,上赶的感情不值钱

4 . 爱情是一个人的义无反顾,还是一个人的一厢情愿。

5 . 如今,谁能看到我的背后,我只能拼命的笑。

6 . 你和父母一段时间不联系,话都会少。更别说友情和爱情了。距离只会产生距离,产生不了美的。人与人之间都要多交流和多沟通。

7 . 上了高中才知道,有很多东西是不属于你的`,你使劲强求会遭天遣的

8 . 上了高中才知道,会有人很讨厌你或者和你过不去,但是他爱怎么样就怎么样,我们要大度,不和小人计较,但前提是你正确

9 . 上了高中才知道,课程会在你不经意间,拉下很多,每次考试前不一定能补回来

10 . , do not dream of life is always so festive, also don&#;t dream in life to enjoy all the spring seasons, everyone&#;s life is doomed to trudge kankam, taste bitter and helpless As long as the heart of faith does not shrink, as long as their season no winter, even the wind and the rain qiku naiwo?


1 . 别人说的话,并不是每句都要听,对于嘲笑与诋毁,背后嚼舌根,或是等着看你笑话的人,让他们说,你只管跑,他们开心就好,你不辜负自己,反正那些人一辈子也不会明白,你翻山越岭看到的风景。

2 . 你一定也有过这种经历。你有一个梦想,但是当别人问起,你只会说,“嗯——我没有太高的期望,嗯——我只是希望赚点钱,嗯——没想太多,快乐就好。”

3 . 一个乞丐在街上要钱掏空身上所有口袋也没半个硬币,一个残疾人需要好心人哪怕一点的资助我只能抱歉地为之一笑,包括是朋友困难的时候想借点钱给他但也无能无力……种种这些事情,莫过于自己的不强大,没有能力为他们出一份微薄之力。

4 . 酒还剩半杯,你说你好累,故人还未归,往后别流泪。

5 . 那边甜美的声音做以及来意,我那晚和她聊了差不多四十分钟左右,关于金融知识,外汇平台甚至聊到她什么时候做这份工作的,包括我个人的工作。当然这样的电话我接的太多,也知道他们的目的以及为甚么要和你聊很多金融内外的东西,可是她并没有让我产生反感,她动听的`声音极高的专业素养一种强大的磁场吸引着我。

6 . 我时常也会羡慕那些没有梦想的人,他们的生活多么的美好。平凡,安静地跟随,有一个可以预见的生活轨迹……

7 . , life is not good at cutting but not; for, but to repair! Many times, would rather be misunderstood, and do not want to explain

8 . Happiness is the product of pure nature It is a gift that supports oneself and affirms oneself % Without self, the joy of cutting is a hypocrisy Even if someone criticizes you, denies you, and attacks you, it does not mean your self; being denied is the only thing you can do, only yourself

9 . 上了高中才知道,许多曾经的人会变的让你认不出,但请留住回忆上了高中才知道,会遇到很多诱惑,无论别人怎么样,你是你,你有你的原则和底限

10 . 如果你是一座山峰,你的梦想是天空,那么因为你的高度,你需要第一个被雨浇,第一个被风化,第一个被雷劈——所以你注定被诅咒,注定承担那些低洼所不需要承担的东西。——谁让你有这个梦想呢?谁让你喜欢蓝天呢?谁让你希望拥有希望?