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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-23 01:58:57



1 . 岁岁平安: may you start safe and sound all year round

2 . national day, we qi joy, a total of national jubilation, i wish our motherland is thriving! 庆国庆,大家齐欢乐,五十六个民族共欢腾,祝我们的祖国欣欣向荣!

3 . I want to tell you on this special day that I&#;m very glad, time hasn&#;t changed our friendship any Hoping your birthday is great

4 . 恭喜发财:Wish you prosperity

5 . just off the beautiful chang e, ushered in the birthday of the motherland i take this opportunity goes to you my heartfelt blessing: i wish you all the best and every success! ! !刚刚送走了美丽的嫦娥,又迎来了祖国的华诞。借此机会我呈上对你衷心的祝福:祝你一切顺利,万事如意!!!

6 . 回想往事,浮现您幽默的话语,率真的性情。您是无边无际的大海,包容着我们的过错,您是涓涓细流,滋润着我们的心田,恭祝生日快乐!

7 . 早晨一起醒来,你给我最温暖的吻,我给你做早餐,下午你接我下班, 我们一起回家。

8 . By the morning, everything will be clean, and even the most troubling stains will be gone

9 . National Day, the National Day, celebrating the country The birthday wish you good

10 . The world is brutal today, even more brutal tomorrow and wonderful the day after, but most guys would die by tomorrow and never see the sunshine the day after tomorrow


1 . 人生最痛苦的事情,莫过于父亲节到了,我们不在他身边;人生最最痛苦的事情,莫过于在他身边,忘记父亲节到了。发条短信告诉你,趁早准备送祝福哦!

2 . 口号标语方寸之间,作用甚大。但要使其真正发挥作用,就得写出特色写出质量写出水平来。做到这一点,就要求进行认真研究分析,用写给谁谁来看指导怎样提提什么及写在哪的问题,使标语口号词句短促言简意赅响亮有力,能够起到鼓舞激励教育和引导群众的作用。

3 . The world makes way for the man who knows where he is going

4 . 出入平安:Safe trip wherever you go

5 . Seems to wake up in the morning after a dazzling and hazy warm light, the eyes of everything in the same place to play back, slow and sad

6 . The annual day you, in the absence of time around I hope that too happily every seconds Father, worked hard!

7 . 恭喜发财: may prosperity be with you

8 . early years with the sea, to make a block; later me network, the extent to more than million; this year&#;s national gambling, in a more than five million! one! 早年跟着下海,赚个万把来块;后来捣鼓网络,弄个十几来万;今年国庆买彩,中个五百多万!普天同庆!

9 . where my growth

10 . 特别的日子,特别的祝福,送给生日的你:希望长大一岁的你更成熟,更顺利,更成功,要钞票多成堆,要情情溢四方,要福福满东海,祝你生日快乐!


1 . adj 夜晚的,夜间的

2 . 父爱是无私的,父爱是伟大的。我们享有父爱,更应好好珍惜。父亲节即将来临,大家都行动起来,让我们的父亲过个快乐的节日吧。

3 . adj 好的;令人满意的;愉快的;仁慈的

4 . 言语不在多,祝福不会少;问候不在多,关心常相随;爸爸要求不多,今有儿女祝愿就行。父亲节,愿天下儿女都别忘记祝福爸爸。

5 . 现在我要睡觉了,晚安。美国作家布朗Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Say Good-night

6 . Happy birthday I hope today treats you well

7 . i wish fossett will be busy in the letter, the national day when you send and distant i wish you a happy national day, wishing, and prosperity! 我将满满的祝福塞在信里,在国庆节之际,寄与远方的您。祝您国庆节快乐,心想事成,事业蒸蒸日上!

8 . Looking back across the years, we come to realize that it takes many birthdays to make us kind and wise Growing older only means the spirit grows serene Happy birthday!

9 . Congratulations and warmest wishes for your birthday and every day

10 . 每到你的生日,我都十分快乐。送上一张生日卡和一件礼物,略表心意。祝事业成功生活幸福!


1 . 人生短短几十年,不要给自己留下什么遗憾,想笑就笑,想哭就哭,无谓压抑自己。

2 . Look at the sky: it&#;s ready for you Look at the faces of everyone in the street: they are also prepared for you When you have nothing, wake up in the morning to think about this

3 . 和气生财:Harmony brings wealth

4 . lost, very missed in this long national day holiday, often recalled coexistence years time to find some locations, bring blessings to a very experience! 好久不见,十分想念。在这漫漫的国庆长假里,经常忆起共处的岁月。找点时间,约个地点,带上祝福,来个非常体验!

5 . 祝你生日快乐,你的善良使这个世界变得更加美好,愿这完全属于你的一天带给你快乐,愿未来的

6 . 一帆风顺: wish you every success

7 . National Day when you do not want to give too much, just to give you million:

8 . full ying guo, woods hongye dance autumn wind the entire country is behind qi, and the home-sheng everything this grand festival will bring you everlasting lucky! 万紫千红迎国庆,片片红叶舞秋风。举国上下齐欢畅,家和国盛万事兴。愿这盛大的节日带给你永远的幸运!

9 . 祝我独一无二的老爸父亲节快乐,我非常爱您!

10 . 户外公示性标语口号类似于座右铭,是一种精神意志品牌等快捷便利的传达手段和感应方式,旨在唤起大家共鸣,这也是我们宣传政策表明态度书写志向教育人民的一块重要阵地,是数秒钟甚至一秒钟的艺术,对于过往行人有鼓舞激励教化和警示等作用。我们党在革命和建设的各个重要时期都注重用好这块阵地,以及时有力响亮务实的口号指引和鼓舞人民向前,比如:打倒日本帝国主义军民团结如一人,试看天下谁能敌下定决心,不怕牺牲,排除万难,去争取胜利鼓足干劲,力争上游等等,有效地鼓起人们向某一阶段目标奋进的斗志。


1 . 大吉大利: wish you good fortune and every success

2 . In the morning, we leave home, take our love, hope and trust When we encounter the difficult setbacks in the road, these are our wealth

3 . A little birthday wish just to let know how much I care about you May you seek all the best that the world has to give May you never stop learning for as long as you live

4 . I am glad that you are my dad

5 . girls like flowers, and more broad-minded inclusion, in order to open up new possibilities and awaken the sleepy mountain, the river changed its appearance This is a beautiful motherland is where my growth

6 . 我的祝福捎来我对你的爱,愿你的生日过得称心如意,当一天过去,你躺下享受安宁,愿幸福

7 . friends, the people across the country to celebrate the birthday of the motherland, where you expect to spend this rare holiday? i walk out together with it, "to see so many concubine jiangshan, zheyaoshan countless heroes do" 朋友,在全国人民欢庆祖国生日之际,你想到哪里去度过这难得假期呢?跟我一起出去走走吧,“看江山如此多娇,令无数英雄尽折腰。”

8 . A good appetite is a good sauce

9 . 父爱如天,给我们遮挡风雨;父爱如地,给我们浇灌希望;父爱如山,给我们坚实依靠。今天是父亲节,祝福所有父亲永远健康幸福!

10 . Permit me to congratulate you on reaching another of these anniversary landmarks today May each day be as happy as your birthday Have a wonderful birthday!