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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-05-14 02:51:04



1 . "I love you not because of who you are, 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,"

2 . 从我的房间的窗子向外望去,可以看到一株高大的芙蓉树。春日里,芙蓉树在薄雾中若隐若现,红花点点,样子实在迷人。它总是赋予我灵感,让我思如泉涌。时间久了,我竟把这菱蓉视为知已了。

3 . "Cry, can not solve any problems, but will make the dry cheeks hurt 哭,解决不了任何问题,反而会使风干的脸颊很疼。"

4 . So far so good迄今为止,一切都很好。

5 . The theory of plate tectonics describes the motions of the lithosphere, the comparatively rigid outer layer of the Earth that includes all the crust and part of the underlying mantle The lithosphere(n[地]岩石圈is divided into a few dozen plates of various sizes and shapes, in general the plates are in motion with respect to one another A mid-ocean ridge is a boundary between plates where new lithospheric material is injected from below As the plates diverge from a mid-ocean ridge they slide on a more yielding layer at the base of the lithosphere

6 . 一种重要的新兴工业——炼油业在国内战争后成长起来。未加工的石油,或原油——种深色的地下的稠浆——数百年来一直为大众所知,但是人们却很少使用过它。

7 . 快刀斩乱丝礼轻情意重礼轻人意重马上得天下瞒上不瞒下盲人骑瞎马明鼓而攻之无毒不丈夫

8 . Procrastination is the thief of time

9 . "The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can’t have them 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边"

10 . "I’ve learned… That the less time I have to work with, the more things I get done 我明白了…越是给很少的时间,我能做越多的事情。"


1 . "In such a soft and warm season, please accept my sincere blessing and deep concern for you在这充满温馨的季节里,给你我真挚的祝福及深深的思念。"

2 . 我久久地伫立在窗前,深深感悟到,生命之中本没有一成不变的风景,只要你的心永远向着阳光,那么每一个清晨就会向你展现出一个等待着由你来开启的美景。不管你正经历着怎样的风雨,请相信,这个世界总会带给你新的希望。

3 . Everyone has his inherent abilities eg power or capacity which can easily be concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness

4 . 生活是一位睿智的长者,生活是一位博学的老师,它常常春风化雨,润物无声地为我们指点迷津,给我们人生的启迪。

5 . Thanks to those who loved me,

6 . 爱情因为浪漫而唯美,因为婚姻而升华,浪漫固然是爱情所追求的,安稳平淡才是爱情的最终归宿。

7 . Action is the proper fruit of knowledge

8 . 爱心是冬日的一片阳光,使用饥寒交迫的人感受到人间的温暖;爱心是沙漠中的一泓清泉,使用权濒临绝境的人重新看到生活的希望;爱心是洒在久旱大地上的一场甘霖,使孤苦无依的人即刻获得心灵的慰藉。

9 . "Only when our eyes have been washed by tears, can we have a broader field of vision只有泪水洗过的眼睛,才有更开阔的视野。"

10 . If you would have a thing well done,do it yourself


1 . 其实成长,就是一颗美味的糖果,那唇齿留香的滋味回味我们无穷无尽的遐想。可是如果不加以节制,我们便尝不到那最初的那份甜蜜,取而代之的必定将是阵阵疼痛。所以成长中的我要学会排解烦恼,保护好我们的“牙齿”。只有这样,我们才会品味到更多的甜蜜与快乐!

2 . "And forever has no end 永永远远,永无止境"

3 . 正如我们常说:缘在人为,份在天意,我们不能与上帝的安排抗衡。有时的爱更需要的是一种自然形成,而非拨苗助长。因为爱有其成长与成熟的一个慢慢过程。

4 . 幸福这种东西,是可以给予的,是可以追求的,是可以放弃的,是可以等待的,看你怎么看。

5 . He saw the lights flowing away in the darkness, and these were the days of his wasted life; he saw astar fall from the sky and disappeared, and this was the symbol of himself His remorse which waslike a sharp arrow struck deeply into his heart Then he remembered his friends in his childhood,which entered life together with him But they had made their way to success and were nowhonored and happy on this New Years night

6 . 谢谢那些愿意倾听的人,

7 . One today is worth two tomorrows

8 . Time is money

9 . 做事一开头,就要做到底;一不做,二不休。

10 . 无根就无果。


1 . "If and When were planted , and Nothing grew"

2 . "[en]It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。"

3 . This particular Saturday when they met, WHEN sensed that IF was not in a great mood As usualthey sat at the table reserved for them and ordered their lunch Once they placed their order,WHEN questioned IF

4 . Thanks to those who listened,

5 . I’ve learned… That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am 我明白了…使我成长的捷径就是围绕在比我聪敏的人身旁。

6 . 经验学校学费高,愚人旁处学不到。

7 . 年轻岁月,如梦般展现在他面前,老人想起父亲把他带到岔路口的那个庄严时刻。一条路通向安宁快乐的世界,鲜花遇布,果实丰硕,甜美轻柔的歌声在空中回荡;另一条路则通向幽深黑暗,没有尽头的洞,洞内流淌着的不是水而是毒液,群魔乱舞,毒蛇嘶嘶爬动。

8 . "Love is a lamp, while friendship is the shadow When the lamp is off,you will find the shadow everywhere Friend is who can give you strength at last 爱情是灯,友情是影子,当灯灭了,你会发现你的周围都是影子。朋友,是在最后可以给你力量的人。"

9 . 失败是成功之母。它让我们触及蓝天,它教会我们如何生存,它给予我们一条特殊的路。成功给予我们金钱名誉骄傲和自尊。这里,保持头脑清醒便显得尤为重要。唯一能让我们感激上帝给予的成功便是始终卑微谦虚礼貌并且尊重没有我们幸运的人们。

10 . "Don’t cry because it is over, smile,because it happened 不要因为结束而哭泣微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有"


1 . "But both his father and the days of hisyouth had passed away

2 . Thanks to those who cared,

3 . Those in a serious relationship have long been warned about the dangers of the seven-year itch But research has found couples risk running into trouble far earlier-thanks to the seven-month slouch。

4 . I’ve learned… That simple walks with my father around the block on summer nights when I was a child did wonders for me as an adult 我明白了…但我孩提时在夏天夜晚陪着我父亲走过几个街区曾感动过我,当我成人时。

5 . I&#;ve learned… That having a child fall asleep in your arms is one of the most peaceful feelings in the world 我明白了…有个孩子在在你的臂弯中入睡是世界上最安宁的感觉。

6 . 努力工作。

7 . 做人做事最好的状态就是:不刻意。不刻意自我表现,也不刻意淡泊名利;不刻意迎合,也不刻意狂狷;不刻意追逐流行,也不刻意卓尔不群。如是,则不心累,不纠结,不失望。

8 . It is lost labour to sow where there is no soil

9 . Care and diligence bring luck

10 . Nevertheless, when I opened the window one morning, to my amazement, the tree was almost bare beyond recognition as a result of the storm ravages the night before Struck by the plight, I was seized with a sadness at the thought “all the blossom is doomed to fall” I could not help sighing with emotion: the course of life never runs smooth, for there are so many ups and downs, twists and turns The vicissitudes of my life saw my beloved friends parting one after another Isn’t it similar to the tree shedding its flowers in the wind?