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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-06-23 20:26:10



1 . Can we leave school after : pm ?我们可以在下午点之后再离开学校吗?

2 . When did she arrive here last time? 她上次是什么时候到这儿的?(副词前省略介词)

3 . None of the answers is true没有一个答案是正确的。

4 . Really?

5 . aWhat would you like to have?

6 . He goes to school early every morning

7 . .定语从句的功用和结构

8 . C I’d love to D Yes, I do

9 . It’s five o,clock/half past five/a quarter to five/five thirty, etc

10 . Q: What time is it by the girl’s watch?


1 . The letter _______ I received from him yesterday is very important

2 . I&#;m very sorry

3 . A By bus B By car C By taxi?

4 . cI’m sorry, but…

5 . 你们去过长城吗?

6 . ① 在一般疑问句的否定结构中,把副词not放在一般疑问句的主语之后。但如果用not的简略形式-n&#;t,则须将-n&#;t与一般疑问句句首的be, have,助动词或情态动词写在一起。在实际运用中,一般都采用简略式。

7 . Who is your brother?

8 . A Go to the cinema B Watch TV? C Go to a concert?

9 . When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forward by time This is not atrain in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by It is the truth that we&#;ve all grown up And we become different

10 . 例句-:I thought the Red Sox had a real chance to win the World Series this year after so long without a championship But they turned out to be no great shakes, just like last year


1 . That was the room in which we had lived for ten years = That was the room

2 . 作宾语:

3 . He/She isn’t here right now

4 . 介词(preposition prep 介词——丐帮分派

5 . A The same to you B You do too

6 . ()

7 . The exam can’t be too difficult考试不会太难。

8 . 名词是指待人物事时地情感概念等实体或抽象事物的词。

9 . 英国人很喜欢用Sorry,所以有时他们会用Sorry代替Excuse me,例如:I&#;m sorry, but do you think you could move your car?

10 . cI’d love to, but…


1 . D I’d like to buy a pair of shoes of my daughter?

2 . ------Two months _______ quite a long time

3 . 十六 Teaching me the meaning of love教导我爱的意义是什么。

4 . What /How about…?

5 . aYou’d better…

6 . 听力理解题的要求主要是:

7 . 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是定语从句的关系代词的选择。因为先行词是物,而关系代词在定语从句中作宾语,所以只有that合适。

8 . ---_______

9 . Look out !

10 . ---Who is the man _______ was talking to our English teacher?


1 . ---_______

2 . all在句中的位置是放在所有格,定冠词和指示代词的之前。

3 . C Of course D It’s a pleasure

4 . 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是引导定语从句的关系代词的选择。因为先行词是人,而关系代词又在定语从句中作主语,所以只有who合适。

5 . C Not at all D Excuse me

6 . (年江西省中考试题

7 . Who is the person that is reading the newspaper over there?

8 . bGoodbye! (Bye-bye! Bye!

9 . 【解析】答案:C。该题考查的是如何婉拒别人的邀请。对方邀请出去散步,但因为要做家庭作业而婉言拒绝。符合这一情景的答语只有C。

10 . 作状语


1 . My mother likes to buy things which are made in China

2 . a All right See you then

3 . Q: Where’s the girl’s father going?

4 . 【解析】答案:D。该题考查的是如何回答别人的感谢和赞扬。说英语国家的人在回答别人的感谢和赞扬时与中国人的习惯不同, 他们不是自我谦虚,而是表示高兴。

5 . :no words are necessary between two loving hearts 两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语

6 . This is the present that he gave me for my birthday

7 . ---________ His mother told me that he was in hospital

8 . FF: 哦,说一个人牛气哄哄的,就是cocky。

9 . If a woman is not sexy, she needs emotion; if she is not emotional, she needs reason; if she is not reasonable, she has to know herself clearly coz only she has is misfortune

10 . I am sorry that I was late 对不起我迟到了。


1 . (年包头市中考试题

2 . ( 在非限制性定语从中。例如:

3 . 形容词修饰名词或代词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。

4 . bTake this medicine three times a day

5 . A Watching TV less B Watching TV more C Stopping watching TV

6 . 一 Wherever valour true is found, true modesty will there abound ( W SGilbert 真正的勇敢,都包含谦虚。(吉尔伯特

7 . A : B :? C :

8 . When you feel hurt and your tears are gonna to drop Please look up and have a look at the sky once belongs to us If the sky is still vast, clouds are still clear, you shall not cry because my leave doesn&#;t take away the world that belongs to you

9 . 按照原句的逻辑关系来组织译文,而不能局限于句子的语序。

10 . How are you?


1 . My family are watching TV

2 . A are; are B are; is

3 . found/ find

4 . (年常州市中考试题

5 . bNot at all

6 . He arrived in Beijing on the day when I left

7 . 是用来形容或表示各类动作的词汇。

8 . ( 都能表示“能够,具备干某件事的能力”这个含义,此时可以互换。

9 . whole在句中的位置是放在所有格,冠词和指示代词的之后。

10 . Many people think if you turn off your TV, your life will be colourful They also suggest children should watch less TV TV can give children big problems First, it’s bad for your studies, you spend too long on TV, you can’t do well in school Second, it’s bad for your health, because you watch too long on TV, you can’t do well in school Second, it’s bad for your health, because you watch too much TV, you’re getting overweight Your eyesight is getting worse Third, it’s bad for your family life While your families are watching TV, they don’t talk too much Also it has too much fighting Some children always follow the fighting in real life


1 . 答案:A。该题考查的是主谓一致。Neither…nor是一组连词,可连接连个并列主语,其谓语动词应同靠近的主语I保持一致, 因此应选A。

2 . Will she not like it?

3 . none用作主语时,谓语动词用单复数皆可。

4 . bring/ take/carry/fetch

5 . 我们总是在网上聊得很高兴。

6 . 约会 Making appointments

7 . E It doesn’t hurt very much

8 . 状语最灵活,功能也最为强大。

9 . 连词是用来连接词与词词组与词组或句子与句子表示某种逻辑关系的词。

10 . A is B are C has D have