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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2023-10-09 00:13:48



1 . 丹尼似乎很激动。

2 . We are brought freedom and happiness by the Party

3 . She is no less diligent than her elder sister One minute too late is no more in time than half an hour

4 . China&#;s women, no less than men, are participating in all kinds of work in the socialist construction of their country

5 . [注] most前,如果没有the,则不是表示比较,而表示 "很", "非常", 如: The present world situation is most favorable for the people The meeting proceeded in a most friendly atmosphere

6 . [Sooner than+动词原形…(主句 主语+would +动词原形…]

7 . Dawney answered slowly: "Never so happy as when my hands are full

8 . Mr Milton would sooner resign than take part in such dishonest business deals

9 . No country suffered so much as England No war is so great as the European war

10 . Sooner than marry that man, Eva would earn her living as a waitress


1 . call sb / sth +n 称呼某人/某物……,后面的名词作宾语补足语。

2 . 这类保留宾语的被动句中常用动词有:allow, afford, bring, deny, ensure, give, hand, lend, offer, owe, pass, pay, return, tell, show, teach等。

3 . 适用本句型常见的谓语动词:接不定式的:advise, allow, ask, compel, command, help, wish, warn, 等。

4 . 我们把早期的运动会叫做"古代"奥运会。

5 . "…名词A+in+preference to+名词B" 如: After the noun reason, use that in preference to because

6 . [主语+谓语+rather than+动词原形…]

7 . (指示代词this,that要变为these,those。如:

8 . [附注] 一般说来,只有当谓语是被动式时,这个句子才可称为被动句,下面的句子含有被动意义的非谓语成分,虽然表达了一定的被动意义,但是不能说是被动句,She didn&#;t like herself to be praised like that 这种被动意义的非谓语成分主要由下了词语表达出来:

9 . I am willing to work myself to death before I give up I would do anything before that

10 . 名词/形容词/do (不定式,省to),作宾语补足语。


1 . [注] 从反面表达最高比较级的方式很多,甚至可以不用比较级的词语,如:

2 . Thanks a lot for sending me such beautiful pictures by e-mail!

3 . 例:Danny seemed excited (Danny seemed to be excited

4 . Tom is not so tall as his brother (Tom is less tall than his brother

5 . The matter was then reported to him by telephone The order was passed to him by his son

6 . seem +adj

7 . …his team came in twentieth 他的队第二十名。

8 . [主语+prefer+不定式A+rather than+不定式B…]

9 . 如果我不写下来的话,我今晚睡不着觉。

10 . [注] prefer的派生词 preferable, preference也都可用以表示择比。有以下方式:


1 . He prefers to write his letters rather than dictate others

2 . His arrival in New York is posterior to that of my friend

3 . )转换时一般不得变更动词的时态。另下列各时式不能用于被动句中。

4 . The date is expected to be announced soon

5 . Facts speak louder than eloquence (Actions speak louder than words

6 . It is requested that you kindly take immediate action in the matter

7 . 这句话也可以说成:We had so interesting a day at school today

8 . 用that引出的从句表示范围: That is the most important discovery (that ever made by man

9 . She is the most active girl in our class You&#;re the one who writes the most correctly

10 . I am supposed to know something about science They needn&#;t be kept waiting


1 . A hero should choose death before dishonor He chose this before all others

2 . [注] 注意本句型可省略被比对象, 如: Better be with the dead Better let the furnace cool a bit

3 . The murder was brought in, with his hands ___ behind his back。

4 . Oliver fell on his knees, clasping his hands together, and begged them to kill him if they pleased rather than send him away with that dreadful man He insisted on staying rather than go

5 . We have accomplished as much in the past three years as would have taken ten years in the past

6 . 注意:

7 . "第, , …大" 可用 "the 序数词+最高级" 表示, 如: My home town is the second largest city in our province

8 . The more I think of it, the happier I am

9 . I would as lief (as soon die as live in dishonor

10 . proud作宾语补足语,修饰宾语your country;