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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2023-08-09 15:10:24



1 . A clean hand wants no washing 身正不怕影子斜。

2 . .captain 队长

3 . 有志者,事竟成

4 . 唱歌能陶冶人的情操,优美的旋律能带给人欢乐,绝大数学生喜欢唱歌。经典的英文老歌“edelweiss”,家喻户晓的影视名曲“my heart will go on”无不令人陶醉,而最受学生欢迎的要数流行歌曲了,she, f一首首好听的英语歌曲,使他们感觉新鲜刺激。因此,学生常常使积极主动地去听去学,自己自觉地练。所以布置这样的作业时要允许学生自由选择,选择了自己感兴趣的英文歌曲,他们便经常唱,反复唱。这样,他们能在体验音乐美感的同时,不自觉地复习或学习一些单词句型,从而提高了他们的记忆能力和英语学习的兴趣。为了提高学生学习英语的积极性,我们可举办英文歌曲演唱会,让学生登台演出,体验成功的喜悦,参与的乐趣。

5 . A man can fail many times, but he isn&#;t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else——J Burroughs

6 . (正) The face of his father looks older than that of his uncle His father&#;s face looks older than his uncle&#;s

7 . The future is scary but you can’t just run to the past cause it’s familiar

8 . The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want, and if they cannot find them, make them——Bernara Shaw

9 . 如: I like him all the better for his faults I do not like him the less because he has faults

10 . A little is better than none 聊胜於无。


1 . 虽然寒假已经过去了,但下面是我对我的寒假计划的介绍,希望大家看看哦。

2 . A bad workman quarrels with his tools 拙匠常怨工具差。

3 . You can’t have a better tomorrow if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday

4 . .broom 扫帚

5 . Facts speak louder than eloquence (Actions speak louder than words

6 . The price of wisdom is above rubies We love truth above everything else

7 . .height 高度

8 . I had as soon you broke his neck as his finger

9 . Tom is not so tall as his brother (Tom is less tall than his brother

10 . .plus 加, 加上


1 . A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush 双鸟在林不如一鸟在手。

2 . 只有强者才懂得斗争;弱者甚至失败都不够资格,而是生来就是被征服的。——斯威特切尼

3 . China&#;s women, no less than men, are participating in all kinds of work in the socialist construction of their country

4 . A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk 闻其歌知其鸟,听其言知其人。

5 . If your happiness depends on what somebody else does, I guess you do have a problem

6 . .mark 记号;标记;痕迹

7 . .terrific 很棒的, 极好的

8 . His arrival in New York is posterior to that of my friend

9 . .blind 瞎的, 盲的

10 . A clear conscience laughs at false accusations 白日不做亏心事,夜半敲门心不惊。


1 . You can also see that there is a grand piano, whereas ours is an upright

2 . 一个人可以失败很多次,但是只要他没有开始责怪旁人,他还不是一个失败者。——巴勒斯

3 . The new edition is less expensive than the old one

4 . .icon 图象符号, 图标

5 . .conductor 售票员, 列车员

6 . The socialist system has demonstrated absolute superiority over the capitalist one

7 . She is no less diligent than her elder sister One minute too late is no more in time than half an hour

8 . A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast 宁为清贫,不为浊富。

9 . In point of strength, he is second to none (second to none独一无二

10 . 不去期望。失去了不会伤心,得到了便是惊喜。


1 . Better say nothing than nothing to the purpose

2 . 行万里路,读万卷书。

3 . .eve 前夕

4 . I would (或had rather join you in research work than go on holiday to the seaside

5 . While there is life there is hope

6 . 以主题为“E-Books, Good or Bad?”的讨论,请你写一篇词左右的短文,表达你对这件事情的看法。

7 . 一What time do you usually take a shower,Kick?瑞克,你通常几点钟淋浴?

8 . [主语+prefer+不定式A+rather than+不定式B…]

9 . A guy who whispers in your ears, saying ” It’s alright, I’m here” Holds you when you’re sad, and treasures everything about you That’s the guy I want to give my heart to

10 . They would rather die as free men than live as slaves


1 . 尽管失败和挫折等待着人们,一次次地夺走青春的容颜,但却给人生的前景增添了一份尊严,这是任何顺利的成功都不能做到的。——梭罗

2 . 在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。

3 . A bad conscience is a snake in one&#;s heart 做贼心虚。

4 . .fragile 易碎的

5 . Our country is growing ever richer and stronger

6 . A good medicine tastes bitter 良药苦口,忠言逆耳。

7 . A contented mind is perpetual feast 知足常乐。

8 . "第, , …大" 可用 "the 序数词+最高级" 表示, 如: My home town is the second largest city in our province

9 . .Brazil 巴西

10 . We all have moments of desperation But if we can face them head on, that’s when we find out just how strong we really are