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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-23 05:54:24



1 . 确定任务,寻找窍门背诵一篇短文仅仅读几遍是行不通的,一定要读到滚瓜烂熟的程度才行。开始时文章可短一些,容易一些,然后作一定幅度的`调整。此外,背诵时还要讲究一定的技巧,熟读课文内容,理解课文大意。这样不仅不会记错和混淆,而且效率会很高。

2 . a controversial issue

3 . years, preparing the college entrance examination, be sure to Rimmon a foot The clothes and food are all right, calm and not impetuous Do not eat too much before the examination, absolutely not drink cold drinks Normal play is not sloppy, extrance ultimately Wish you a nurse nomination!

4 . 社会发展的必然结果

5 . , grow hope, cultivate ideal and future Spraying sweat, pour dream and success Relax, relieve frustration and stress Unremitting pursuit, harvest happiness and happiness I wish you to go to the ideal university I wish the success of the college entrance examination

6 . 人们普遍认为

8 . , Shandong: migrant workers my brothers, you sweaty, carrying miss, brick built out of the bustling city, do not look down, there is no discrimination, the world needs you!

9 . keep an eye on照看,监视

10 . , those bitter and tears, those hardships and sweat, the pain and suffering, only for the war today, the victory is the Chang, the defeat is dead! Only the success is not allowed to fail! Go ahead and move forward to victory! Refuel for the college entrance examination!


1 . , the so-called strong, the spell is not strength, is not a skill, but a state of mind Work hard and face it lightly Will tremble at the door, let the mind full of confidence, you may try to play the college entrance examination, the victorious return!

2 . 就我而言/就个人而言

3 . , the lonely graduate student in the month of that year, the lonely way of postgraduate entrance examination, that night, the confused heart of postgraduate entrance examination, that hate the love of that part of the postgraduate entrance examination, that wind and rain, the persistence of postgraduate entrance examination dream, dear comrades, stick to the end! Wish the world to examine the grind: sorrow is slight

4 . skill at 技巧,熟练 solution to 的解决办法

5 . trust in 对的信赖,信任 wish for 欲望,愿望

6 . , your worries and comfortable sleep; see the papers you secretly laugh, all over a lot, easily finished the happy, happy mood and wait for the result I wish every success in college entrance examination!

7 . , the breeze, the leaves are Every leaf, have experienced the baptism of wind and rain, leaves on the intricate texture witness marks They once radiate bright colors on the high branches, absorbing the sun and rain and thriving These days and nights, they have been accumulating a bit of power When giving out the most beautiful flowers, autumn is approaching So, with a touch of sentimentally attached, a sigh, quietly falling, silence

8 . 先进的科学技术

9 . , three words: college entrance examination into the examination room, and better, firstly, after the difficult The examination questions are easy and not, I feel easy, people feel easy The exam is difficult, I am not bored, I feel difficult, people feel difficult Out of the examination room, no issue, to be tomorrow, and then fight

10 . years, play at this time, the mood to relax in the examination room in fine fig, fighting, and calm to deal with, full of confidence, get good grades, health to students, academic success


1 . keep down 控制;压服;缩减开支

2 . , love is a ray of sunshine in winter, dispels the windy cold; love is a rain after a long drought, moisten the cracked heart; love is in the ocean navigation, pointed out the new hope

3 . in the extreme 极其

4 . , water does not open to burn, people do not know how to teach Up and down is effective On the road of life, the teacher is a life-saving medicine agent, silver gold does not change, don&#;t for me to clear the way, as long as the teacher! Thank you, teacher

5 . apologizeto,for 道歉,认错

6 . to extent 在程度上

7 . be known as 以知名;被认为是

8 . , the tension is not helpful, why not let go to fight Temporary mo Confident winner All the ways of life are all life Relaxed in the face of the test on whether the merits of heart I wish you a smooth college entrance examination

9 . keep on 继续进行,反复地做

10 . adhere to 粘附;胶着;坚持


1 . , the college entrance examination is a protracted war Only those who persist till the end can laugh till the end The college entrance examination is a psychological struggle, who is good at mentality, who is a dark horse

2 . 一些人而另外一些人

3 . , the record of the year: the hottest: the hotel water boiled "fish", the whole body is sweating Most moved: at the school gate shouting a mother, there is a N mother to turn back Most disgust: after the examination, the topic is discussed, as if it is full of marks The most tense: Oh my God, there is a paper did not see, towards the end of the exam

4 . , that day, the best guesthouse in the county town was put on the same day At that time, they gathered together to chat about their worries; then they discussed each other&#;s last day&#;s tests; at that time, they couldn&#;t sleep well Recalling the college entrance examination, there are too many expectations, there are uneasy, more infinite beautiful!

5 . 明确目的,集中精力背诵一篇课文或者一段必须掌握的语句时,最忌东张西望,漫不经心,注意力分散。如果一篇很简单的课文在背了几天后还是出错,这肯定是用心不专的缘故。至于出现“前记后忘”的现象,则是正常的,这时千万不要向这种暂时困难屈服而打退堂鼓。

6 . 热烈的讨论/争论

7 . Some peoplewhile others

8 . knock out 敲空;击倒

9 . , do not stop, dream is always chasing; do not admit defeat, get through the night is the sun; clear, success is the next step; the road is very bitter, sweat is the most beautiful book; carnival shout, meet at the summit of the dance

10 . the inevitable result of social development


1 . come into effect开始运转;

2 . kill off 消灭,杀光

3 . at the expense of在损害情况下,以为牺牲

4 . , fragrant and beautiful flowers are brilliant, herald sonion frequency transfer Kung Fu does not bear the heart, and the top of thousands of students Flowers and flowers, famous schools and professional volunteers To study tour Xuehai, a career full of wit Wish you a bright prospect

5 . keep under 压制;控制

6 . , the phone ring, that is the greeting; the mobile phone singing, that is the blessing; the mobile phone vibration, that must be holding your hand The entrance examination is successful! Friends

7 . , gently bring me, I deeply wish; Quietly I leave, take your baggage and nervous; I quietly waiting, waiting for the news of the flying sky I wish the friends of the college entrance examination will return to their title

8 . up to 胜任的,适于密谋是义不容辞的,是的职责;取决于的,须由决定的;一直到;一直到,多达

9 . , I know that you are experiencing an important challenge in your life Maybe you have anxiety, fear and excitement But I want to say, please don&#;t forget all the people who care about you We are your strong backing

10 . come into power开始执政;


1 . expectof 在期望

2 . , bless my good friend to take a graduate study successfully! Although I have not been with you recently, I still remember you in my heart I believe you will succeed Whether you can see it or not I hope you can feel my sincere blessing!

3 . suchthat 那样的以致

4 . 坚持复背,及时检查复习背诵的时间用得越多,记忆的效果就越佳。例如,早晨背诵过的课文在晚上睡前以及第二天起床后应进行一次复背,并在每周六或周日再作适当的温习,以后过一个月再复背一次,这样可保证很长一段时期不会遗忘。

5 . , more than three years of wind and rain baptism, how many waves Fengtao split, hard tempered, infinite hardships hidden dream, at ease The examination room, Ming Dynasty chic world to know! After the rainbows of the wind and rain, I wish you all the best

6 . years of studying, exams, calm heart does not panic; careful answer emboldened enough to overcome difficulties, Guan Yifan; my students anthography new talent, this special exhibition was heaven; I will send blessings, icing on the cake wonderful infinity The national college entrance examination, I wish you success, success!

7 . at yet 至今

8 . , think carefully and understand that the distrust of the other person is actually the distrust of yourself Presuming the other person&#;s heart is like staring at his life reflected in the mirror, then projecting it to the other side, thus deciding to trust or distrust the other side

9 . 不可否认

10 . 面临新的机遇和挑战


1 . that is 就是说,即

2 . , failure is usually temporary, but it is painful to enlarge itself To overcome difficulties, we need our own efforts The road ahead is difficult and easy to depend on, and it depends to a great extent on the real self

3 . , the college entrance examination to follow you, good luck, no problem to the college entrance examination scores; and blessing not stop, everything is smooth; the college entrance examination, adhere to a win will Jinbang title! I wish the college entrance examination is smooth and all the best

4 . , hard, set foot on the entrance road, put the peace of mind, confidence is full, facing the exam, writing if there is God, send SMS blessing, wish you to work since high school, Ma, Jinbang Title set

5 . keep to oneself 保守秘密,不与人来往

6 . , studying hard, just for a moment, the college entrance examination, don&#;t worry, in answer, Huibi God, easily, study hard, eventually return, SMS wishes to achieve the ideal, admitted to the University, happy

7 . , once a year, the big step of life is coming Only by taking this step, life is a new start I believe you will go further than others, run faster and do better Tired to pay attention to rest, the body is the capital of the revolution In the end, I wish you: &#;good grades in the door

8 . , the day of the college entrance examination, three meals to be on time, food should be paid attention to Breakfast nutrition collocation, lunch is too full to easily sleepy, should eat less spicy greasy food, to limit, health and safety with written examination, I wish you more smoothly!

9 . , the day of college entrance examination is coming again When we have enough food, we will have enough sleep for a few days We should be fully aware of the importance of our college entrance examination Self-confidence is very important in our chest We should have a peace of mind and smile to prepare for the College entrance examination

10 . sorrow at/for/over 悲哀,悲痛 stress on 对的强调


1 . such as 诸如,例如

2 . 点线面背诵法如果把一篇文章看作面,那么段落就是它的线,词语句子就是它的点。“点——线——面”背诵就是抓住文章的脉络,提炼出各层次的关键词语句子作为记忆的重点,根据先后顺序排列起来,再连点成线,连线成面,展开记忆,背诵课文。换言之,就是在单词和词组记忆的基础上记句子,在句子记忆的基础上记段落,在段落记忆的基础上记课文。

3 . keep from 阻止;使免于;隐瞒

4 . , June, sunny day Back school on a schoolbag Early in the morning, eat good, first keep the body well In an instant, the entrance to the The college entrance examination is only a vanity mask Ten years of bitter, for the present It is necessary to have a good school

5 . arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention

6 . exposeto使暴露于, 使受

7 . in the eyes of in ones eyes 在某人看来, 在某人眼里

8 . a heated discussion/ debate

9 . keep back 留在后面;阻止;隐瞒

10 . so that 以便,为使;所以,因此


1 . , first heard the good news, relatives and friends all love Sincere wishes to ask for voluntary, ambitious and professional choice Sunny days bright, strive to take the bull by the horns One day a grand exhibition, a dream to realize a smile Wish all the best

2 . drop to ones knees 跪下

3 . ever since 从那时起,自那时以来

4 . , to love you, feeling too heavy; want to say love, feeling too light; a day of attachment, sleepless night after night, I have only a few love green Ying bead curtain, and sent to your window support I wish the university entrance exam shunyi!

5 . , if the college entrance examination is a river, you will turn yourself into a confident helmsman If the college entrance examination is a mountain, you will install eagle wings for yourself If the college entrance examination is a dream, you will register a dream factory for yourself I wish the college entrance examination is smooth!

6 . ever so 非常,极其

7 . know about 了解,知道的情况

8 . 完全不同的观点

9 . in the twinkling of an eye 一眨眼,转眼间

10 . , before the exam is intense, deep breathing relaxation, exam carefully, fine I think, after the examination put fair to the static waiting for joy, the national college entrance examination, let students play a long, admitted to the ideal university, to create a brilliant life!