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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-01-04 16:44:08



1 . 圣诞来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

2 . 要么忍,要么残忍。

3 . 至信之人往往会伤你最深。

4 . thanks for being such a great teacher

5 . 我们变成了最熟悉的`陌生人

6 . ) Weak: Here are the books you ordered。

7 . 你的引导使我们的梦想实现,谢谢你能成为我们的老师

8 . and peace on teacher&#;s day

9 . 如果我能把时间存入一个瓶子。

10 . Revision: The books you ordered have arrived。


1 . 有时候,眼泪比语言更容易表达感受。

2 . If I could save time in a bottle

3 . 新年过后,我们会再回来。

4 . 我喜欢你笑的样子,我想偷走你的痛苦,让你一直开心下去。

5 . To be without some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness有些东西你想要而没有,这是幸福不可缺少的一部分。

6 . 再多的话语都是以悲伤为前奏

7 . Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must undergo the fatigue of supporting it想要收获自一由之果的人,必须承受维护自一由的劳苦。

8 . 做最好版本的自己。

9 . 我只愿和你共度感恩节。

10 . 在教师节的这一天,衷心的祝福您


1 . 回到过去,只能回到。

2 . You are always in my heart the little white rabbit

3 . 爱永远不会嫌晚。

4 . thank you for being my teacher

5 . Revision: One worker&#;s plan eliminates tardiness。

6 . 第条 我们第一次共度的感恩节是我们最美好的时光。

7 . your guidance makes us to achieve what we have dreamt for

8 . 欢笑泪水只为你一人

9 . Improved: We have received your letter and intended to follow your recommendation。

10 . 爱我,就让我知道;不爱我,就放我离开。


1 . 您的引导使我向前,并且有不同的作为

2 . Revision:The brown grass and bare trees form a drab landscape。 (转换为前置定语)

3 . 我们全体祝你们感恩节快乐。

4 . I wouldn’t want to spend Thanks-giving with anyone else

5 . 给你们全家感恩节的祝福。

6 . Don`t judge me You only see what I choose to show you

7 . 失去的就让它随风去吧,留在身边的才值得珍惜。

8 . 第条 感恩节快乐!好好吃一顿吧!

9 . The best feeling in the world is when you know your heart is smiling

10 . May you have the best Christmas ever


1 . Courage is being afraid but going on anyhow

2 . May your Christmas be filled with special moment, warmth, peace and happiness, the joy of covered ones near,and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a year of happiness

3 . But just watch you walked nonchalance

4 . Weak: The trees are bare。 The grass is brown。 The landscape seems drab。

5 . One today is worth two tomorrows一个今天胜似两个明天。

6 . 如果你不抛弃希望,希望也不会抛弃你。

7 . This world has been very good, not good is your own

8 . 祝圣诞快乐,新年充满幸福和成功。

9 . I am your little dependence

10 . 我是你的空气