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来源:uu个性网发布日期:2024-09-23 10:09:33



1 . 句子成分分析练习题

2 . Five and five is ten (数词

3 . The woman with a baby in her arms is my sister (介词

4 . 表语(predicative): 系动词之后的成分,表示主语的性质状态和特征。

5 . []相关文章:

6 . Our teacher of English is an American(名词)

7 . His job is to teach English(不定式)

8 . I am taller than he is(比较状语)

9 . 注意呼语与同位语的区别:同位语指一个名词(或其它形式对另一个名词或代词进行修饰,

10 . Three times seven is twenty one?(数词)


1 . 接受一个人的好跟坏,因为有他们的好才能使我们学习成长,因为有他们的坏才能拥有反省自己的机会,然而无论是谁都会有某些地方我们很难接受的一面,只是我们不用因此就把一个人排挤在外,没有那么绝对的事情,你可以接受对方的好的美(这又有谁无法接受呢?),但也要放开心胸接受他/她的不完美。

2 . My watch is gone / missing / lost (形容词化的分词

3 . She works very hard though she is old(让步状语)

4 . 6)表语:用来说明主语的性质或状态。一般由名词或者形容词担任。如:Thistableislong(这个桌子是长的。

5 . .谓语:表示主语的行为或进行的活动。

6 . 表示选择,常用的连词有or, either…or…, otherwise等。eg Hurry up, or you&#;ll miss the train

7 . ()复合宾语(宾语+宾补),例如:They elected him their monitor

8 . 第一讲英语句子成分

9 . 因此动词不定式动名词分词为非谓语动词,不能作谓语。且谓语动词可以体现时态,单复数的语法现象。

10 . 动作的承受者——动宾


1 . He studies hard to learn English well

2 . He gave me a book yesterday Give the poor man some money

3 . eg He often reads English in the morning

4 . Time is up The class is over(副词)

5 . (以下例句按上述顺序排列 I will go there tomorrow

6 . (subject: 是一句的主体,是全句述说的对象,常用名词,数词或代词担任,一般放于句首。句子说明的人或事物。

7 . ? 主补:对主语的补充。

8 . The sun rises in the east (名词

9 . Lucy为呼语

10 . call up使回忆起, 征召入伍


1 . He didn’t study hard so that he failed in the exam

2 . (一)句子成分的定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分有主要成分和次要成分;主要成分有主语和谓语;次要成分有表语宾语定语状语补足语和同位语。

3 . Her voice sounds sweet Tom looks thin

4 . 这三句话中单词hard和often修饰的都是动词,第三句话中单词too修饰的是形容词,它们都作状语。

5 . To swim in the river is a great pleasure(不定式)

6 . 你找不到机会。你得去创造机会。

7 . The meat went bad because of the hot weather

8 . Wearefriends(我们是朋友

9 . The sports meet was called ____ on account of the rain

10 . How many do you need? We need two (数词


1 . Ihaveadream

2 . They helped the old with their housework yesterday(名词化形容词)

3 . He is our friend (代词

4 . Last night she didn&#;t go to the dance party because of the rain(原因状语)

5 . Twenty years is a short time in history (数词

6 . (七)定语:修饰名词或代词的词短语或从句称为定语。定语可由以下等成分表示: Guilin is a beautiful city(形容词)

7 . I think(that)he is fit for his office(宾语从句)

8 . Theyareteachers(他们是老师。

9 . 状语种类如下:

10 . His hobby(爱好)is playing football(动名词)


1 . 表示时间地点原因目的结果程度条件方式和让步。 (以下例句按上述顺序排列) I will go there tomorrow The meeting will be held in the meeting room The meat went bad because of the hot weather He studies hard to learn English well

2 . To see is to believe (不定式

3 . Mr Smith lives on the third floor(地点状语)

4 . ) 介词后的名词代词和动名词-----介宾

5 . Thestudentsstudyhard(这些学生学习努力。

6 . The food smells delicious

7 . 简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如:He practices running every morning

8 . The truth is that he has never been abroad(表语从句)

9 . )简单句:只有一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)。

10 . (口语中常见主语或“主--系”省略:(Itisnothing((那没有什么。/(Itdoesn’tmatter((那没有关系。/(Ithankyou((我谢谢你。


1 . 介词后的名词代词和动名词——介宾

2 . Is it yours?(代词)

3 . (predicative:表示行为的对象,常由名词或者代词担任。放在及物动词或者介词之后。系动词之后的成分,表示主语的性质状态和特征。

4 . 充当宾语形式:)名词)代词)名词短语)名词从句)数词)不定式)-ing形式

5 . They have lived here for more than ten years(对画线部分提问)

6 . 这句话中ball games 作sports 的非限制性同位语。

7 . It is an interesting story(改为感叹句)

8 . The machine must be out of order(介词短语)

9 . 又如: Lucy, come on(露西,过来。)

10 . eg The foreign visitors took a lot of pictures when they were at the Great Wall


1 . He has lived in the city for ten years(介词短语)

2 . 复合谓语:()由情态动词或其他助动词加动词原形构成。如:You may keep the book for two weeks He has caught a bad cold ()由系动词加表语构成。如:We are students

3 . They painted their boat white(形容词)

4 . 冬季天寒,乘客迅猛增大。(《北京交通安全》年月日)

5 . He was elected monitor She was found singing in the next room

6 . 句子是按照一定的语法规律组成的,表达一个完整的意义。一个句子一般由两部分构成,即主语部分和谓语部分,这两部分也叫做句子的主要成分。句子的次要成分包括宾语,定语,状语,表语等。句子成分是句子中起一定功用的组成部分。

7 . Doyougotoschooleveryday?(你每天去上学吗?)

8 . 句子结构----简单句的五个基本句型

9 . taste(尝吃起来, remain(保持,仍是, feel(感觉 …

10 . He dares to tell the truth(改为否定句)